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Novartis partners with Phase 4 Partners and institutional investors to help create Mereo BioPharma Group Ltd
July 29, 2015 01:15 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Novartis is spinning off three mid stage clinical assets to Mereo for further development in exchange for equity Novartis will have a stake in the success of the development of these...
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Novartis Foundation confirms new members of its Board of trustees, including new Chairman Dr. Joerg Reinhardt
July 27, 2015 01:15 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Dr. Joerg Reinhardt, Chairman of the Novartis Board of Directors, will serve as Chairman of the Foundation Board of trustees New trustees also include Professor Peter Piot of the London School...
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Novartis Stiftung bestätigt neue Mitglieder des Stiftungsrats und Dr. Jörg Reinhardt als neuen Vorsitzenden
July 27, 2015 01:15 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Dr. Jörg Reinhardt, Präsident des Verwaltungsrats von Novartis, übernimmt die Funktion des Vorsitzenden des Stiftungsrats Zu den neuen Mitgliedern des Stiftungsrats gehören auch Professor Peter...
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La Fondation Novartis confirme la nomination des nouveaux membres de son Conseil d'administration, y compris celle du nouveau Président, Joerg Reinhardt.
July 27, 2015 01:15 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Joerg Reinhardt, Président du Conseil d'administration de Novartis, sera également Président du Conseil d'administration de la Fondation. Parmi les nouveaux administrateurs figurent également le...
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FDA approves Novartis drug Odomzo® (sonidegib) for locally advanced basal cell carcinoma (laBCC), a form of skin cancer
July 24, 2015 10:52 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Approval is based on pivotal Phase II study in which objective response rate (ORR) in patients with laBCC was 58%; responses were durable[1] Basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin...
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Novartis combination therapy Tafinlar® and Mekinist® achieves important EU and US regulatory milestones
July 24, 2015 07:12 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
CHMP positive opinion for EU approval of Tafinlar and Mekinist combination in BRAF V600 mutation-positive melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer  FDA grants priority review for full...
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Novartis drug Revolade® recommended by CHMP for EU approval to treat patients with severe aplastic anemia, a serious blood disorder
July 24, 2015 07:11 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
If approved, Revolade would be the first treatment option in its class in the EU for certain patients with SAA  Approximately 40% of SAA patients unresponsive to initial immunosuppressive therapy...
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Novartis erzielt im zweiten Quartal eine solide Performance mit starken Innovationen und Fortschritten bei Neueinführungen
July 21, 2015 01:00 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Die fortzuführenden Geschäftsbereiche[2] steigern im zweiten Quartal den Umsatz, das operative Kernergebnis[1] und den Kerngewinn pro Aktie (kWk[1]): Der Nettoumsatz beläuft sich auf USD 12,7...
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Novartis: solide performance au deuxième trimestre grâce à la force de l'innovation et aux progrès des nouveaux lancements
July 21, 2015 01:00 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Croissance des ventes, du résultat opérationnel core[1] et du BPA core (tcc[1]) des activités poursuivies[2] au T2: Le chiffre d'affaires net s'est élevé à USD 12,7 milliards (-5%, +6% tcc). Le...
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Novartis delivered solid performance in the second quarter, with strong innovation and progress on new launches
July 21, 2015 01:00 ET | Novartis Pharma AG
Sales, core[1] operating income and core EPS grew (cc[1]) for continuing operations[2] in Q2: Net sales amounted to USD 12.7 billion (-5%, +6% cc) Operating income was USD 2.3...