AS-i Tallink Grupp d
AS-i Tallink Grupp dividendimakse ex-päev
June 21, 2018 04:33 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp (väärtpaberi lühinimi TAL1T, ISIN kood EE3100004466) fikseerib aktsionäride nimekirja dividendi maksmiseks 26.06.2018 arveldussüsteemi tööpäeva lõpu seisuga. Ülaltoodust lähtudes...
Dividend payment ex-
Dividend payment ex-date of AS Tallink Grupp
June 21, 2018 04:33 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp (trading code TAL1T, ISIN code EE3100004466) will close the list of shareholders for dividend payment on 26.06.2018 at the end of the working day of the settlement system. ...
AS-i Tallink Grupp 1
AS-i Tallink Grupp 12. juuni 2018.a. korralise üldkoosoleku otsused
June 12, 2018 09:32 ET | Tallink Grupp
Korralisele üldkoosolekule registreerus 87 aktsionäri, kes omasid 539 237 450 aktsiat (esindatud aktsiakapitali suurus oli 291 188 223 EUR), mis moodustab kokku 80,50% AS-i Tallink Grupp...
AS Tallink Grupp res
AS Tallink Grupp resolutions of the Annual General Meeting of 12th of June 2018
June 12, 2018 09:32 ET | Tallink Grupp
87 shareholders were registered as attending at the Annual General Meeting, who owned 539 237 450 shares (the amount of represented share capital 291 188 223 EUR), forming 80,50% of AS Tallink Grupp...
AS-i Tallink Grupp 2
AS-i Tallink Grupp 2018 mai statistika
June 05, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp vedas 2018. aasta mais 852 609 reisijat, mis on 6,1% võrra rohkem võrreldes eelmise aasta maiga. Veetud kaubaveoühikute maht suurenes 9,1% võrra 35 463 ühikuni ning veetud...
AS Tallink Grupp sta
AS Tallink Grupp statistics for May 2018
June 05, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
In May 2018 AS Tallink Grupp transported 852 609 passengers, which is a 6.1% increase compared to May 2017. The number of cargo units increased by 9.1% to 35 463 units and the number of passenger...
AS Tallink Grupp ots
AS Tallink Grupp otsustas algatada aktsiate teisese noteerimise Nasdaq Helsingi väärtpaberibörsil
May 23, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp („Selts“) teavitab, et Seltsi nõukogu otsustas kiita heaks Seltsi aktsiate teisese noteerimise Nasdaq Helsingi väärtpaberibörsil ning tegi juhatusele ülesandeks alustada vastavate...
AS Tallink Grupp has
AS Tallink Grupp has decided to seek a secondary listing of shares on the Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange
May 23, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
AS Tallink Grupp (the "Company") announces that the supervisory board of the Company has resolved to approve the secondary listing of Company’s shares on Nasdaq Helsinki stock exchange and has given...
AS-i Tallink Grupp 2
AS-i Tallink Grupp 2018 majandusaasta auditeerimata konsolideeritud I kvartali vahearuanne
May 18, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
Tegevusaruanne  Tallink Grupp AS ja tema tütarettevõtted (edaspidi „kontsern“) vedasid 2018. aasta I kvartalis (1. jaanuar – 31. märts) kokku 1,9 miljonit reisijat, mida on 0,5% vähem...
AS Tallink Grupp Una
AS Tallink Grupp Unaudited Consolidated Interim Report Q1 2018
May 18, 2018 02:50 ET | Tallink Grupp
Management report In the first quarter (1 January - 31 March) of the 2018 financial year Tallink Grupp AS and its subsidiaries (the Group) carried 1.9 million passengers, which is 0.5% less...