TPD: AS Trigon Prope
TPD: AS Trigon Property Development Auditeerimata Majandustulemused, 12 kuud 2009
February 26, 2010 09:37 ET | Trigon Property Development
26.02.2010 2009. aasta IV kvartali lõpuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 36 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Niidu piirkonnas. AS Trigon Property...
TPD: Unaudited Finan
TPD: Unaudited Financial results of Trigon Property Development, 9 months of 2009
November 30, 2009 11:07 ET | Trigon Property Development
TPD: Unaudited Financial results of Trigon Property Development, 9 months of 2009 30.11.2009 ...
TPD: AS Trigon Prope
TPD: AS Trigon Property Development Auditeerimata Majandustulemused, 9 kuud 2009
November 30, 2009 11:07 ET | Trigon Property Development
TPD: AS Trigon Property Development Auditeerimata Majandustulemused, 9 kuud 2009 30.11.2009 2009. aasta III kvartali lõpuga omas...
TPD: Muudatused kont
TPD: Muudatused kontrolli omava aktsionäri omanike ringis
November 10, 2009 09:05 ET | Trigon Property Development
Käesolevaga teatab AS Trigon Property Development, et toimus muudatus OÜ Trigon Wood (registrikood 11053100) omanike ringis. OÜ Trigon Wood omab 59,62 % AS-is Trigon Property Development aktsiatega...
TPD: Changes in the
TPD: Changes in the shareholder structure of the majority shareholder
November 10, 2009 09:05 ET | Trigon Property Development
Hereby AS Trigon Property Development announces that changes were carried out in the shareholders of OÜ Trigon Wood (registry code 11053100). OÜ Trigon Wood has 59,62 % of votes represented by shares...
Parandus: auditeerim
Parandus: auditeerimata majandustulemused, 6 kuud 2009
August 26, 2009 09:36 ET | Trigon Property Development
26.08.2009 AS Trigon Property Development teatab, et 2009 aasta II kvartali konsolideeritud vahearuandes on täiendatud tegevusaruannet ja juhtkonna deklaratsiooni ning lühendatud...
Correction: unaudite
Correction: unaudited financial results, 6 months of 2009
August 26, 2009 09:36 ET | Trigon Property Development
26.08.2009 AS Trigon Property Development announces that the management report and management board declaration of the consolidated interim financial report of the 2nd quarter 2009 has...
Unaudited Financial
Unaudited Financial results of AS Trigon Property Development, 6 months of 2009
August 11, 2009 09:10 ET | Trigon Property Development
As at the end of second quarter 2009, AS Trigon Property Development owned one property development project involving 40-hectare land plot in the City of Pärnu, Niidu area. ...
AS Trigon Property D
AS Trigon Property Development Auditeerimata Majandustulemused, 6 kuud 2009
August 11, 2009 09:10 ET | Trigon Property Development
2009. aasta II kvartali lõpuga omas AS Trigon Property Development ühte arendusprojekti, milleks on 40 hektari suurune maa-ala Pärnu linnas, Niidu piirkonnas. ...
Resolutions of Annua
Resolutions of Annual General Meeting
June 16, 2009 04:50 ET | Trigon Property Development
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders of AS Trigon Property Development was held on June 16, 2009 at 11:00 in the location of AS Trigon Property Development at Viru Väljak 2, Tallinn. ...