Leiðrétting: Hagar h
Leiðrétting: Hagar hf. - Hækkun hlutafjár - Frétt birt 2018-12-03 11:35:14 CET
December 03, 2018 06:16 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Leiðrétting: Rangt Orderbook ID í fyrri tilkynningu.  Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Hagar hf. (auðkenni: HAGA) birtu opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í...
Marel hf. – Reductio
Marel hf. – Reduction in share capital
December 03, 2018 05:37 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
With reference to an announcement made public by Marel hf. (symbol: MARL) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the company‘s listed share capital on Nasdaq Iceland hf. will be...
Marel hf. – Lækkun h
Marel hf. – Lækkun hlutafjár
December 03, 2018 05:37 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Marel hf. (auðkenni: MARL) birti opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í viðskiptakerfi Nasdaq Iceland hf. lækkað frá og með 4. desember...
Hagar hf. - Hækkun h
Hagar hf. - Hækkun hlutafjár
December 03, 2018 05:35 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
Með vísan til tilkynningar sem Hagar hf. (auðkenni: HAGA) birtu opinberlega 30. nóvember 2018 verður skráð hlutafé félagsins í viðskiptakerfi Nasdaq Iceland hf. hækkað þann 4. desember...
Hagar hf. - Increase
Hagar hf. - Increase in share capital
December 03, 2018 05:35 ET | NASDAQ Iceland hf.
With reference to an announcement made public by Hagar hf. (symbol: HAGA) on November 30, 2018, the total nominal value of the company's listed share capital on Nasdaq Iceland hf. will be increased...
IT – INET Nordic – A
IT – INET Nordic – Auction on Demand in Smart Order Routing strategies update delayed (70/18)
November 30, 2018 16:44 ET | Listing and Trading Operations
The Smart Order Routing and Auction on Demand services update mentioned in IT notice 51/18, has been delayed until further notice.   Questions and feedback For further information and...
Derivatives: Change
Derivatives: Change of the instrument series listing rule on OMXS30 (128/18)
November 30, 2018 07:58 ET | Derivatives
Nasdaq Nordic has decided to change the listing rule for monthly and weekly option instrument series on OMXS30 as of December 3, 2018.      This means that for weekly options...
IT –Verification of
IT –Verification of failover functionality in the Genium INET production system
November 29, 2018 11:30 ET | Derivatives
Please note, earlier Notices about the failover described all timings with the time zone abbreviation (CEST). Unfortunately summer is over, the correct time zone is (CET) for all activities...
IT –Verification of failover functionality in the Genium INET production system
November 29, 2018 11:30 ET | Fixed Income
Please note, earlier Notices about the failover described all timings with the time zone abbreviation (CEST). Unfortunately summer is over, the correct time zone is (CET) for all activities...
IT –Verification of
IT –Verification of failover functionality in the Genium INET production system
November 29, 2018 11:30 ET | Nasdaq Commodities
Please note, earlier Notices about the failover described all timings with the time zone abbreviation (CEST). Unfortunately summer is over, the correct time zone is (CET) for all activities...