Update on U.S. Regul
Update on U.S. Regulatory Status of AVT02, Alvotech’s Proposed High-Concentration, Interchangeable Biosimilar to Humira®
December 22, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that the goal date for an approval decision on Alvotech’s license application for AVT02 is April 13, 2023 FDA has completed review of Alvotech’s...
Staða umsókna Alvote
Staða umsókna Alvotech um markaðsleyfi í Bandaríkjunum fyrir AVT02, útskiptilega líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu við Humira
December 22, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
Bandaríska lyfjaeftirlitið (FDA) hefur staðfest að frestur þess til að afgreiða umsókn um leyfi til markaðssetningar AVT02 sem líftæknilyfjahliðstæðu við Humira sé til 13. apríl 2023FDA hefur lokið...
Update on U.S. Regul
Update on U.S. Regulatory Status of AVT02, Alvotech’s Proposed High-Concentration, Interchangeable Biosimilar to Humira®
December 22, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has confirmed that the goal date for an approval decision on Alvotech’s license application for AVT02 is April 13, 2023FDA has completed review of Alvotech’s...
Leiðrétting á heilda
Leiðrétting á heildarfjárhæð í tilkynningu um skuldabréfafjármögnun birt 2022-12-16 09:00 GMT
December 16, 2022 06:45 ET | Alvotech
Í tilkynningu sem birtist í morgun kom fram að Alvotech hefði gengið frá fjármögnun í formi víkjandi skuldabréfa með breytirétti í almenn hlutabréf. Heildarfjárhæð er um 10 milljarðar króna (70...
Correction to Total
Correction to Total Amount in Announcement About Private Placement Published 2022-12-16 09:00 GMT
December 16, 2022 06:45 ET | Alvotech
Reference is made to the announcement issued earlier today about the completion of a private placement of subordinated convertible bonds. The aggregate principal amount is approximately US$70 million,...
Correction to Total
Correction to Total Amount in Announcement About Private Placement Published 2022-12-16 09:00 GMT to headline field
December 16, 2022 06:45 ET | Alvotech
Reference is made to the announcement issued earlier today about the completion of a private placement of subordinated convertible bonds. The aggregate principal amount is approximately US$70 million,...
Alvotech Completes $
Alvotech Completes $59.7 Million Private Placement
December 16, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
REYKJAVIK, Iceland, Dec. 16, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients...
Alvotech gengur frá
Alvotech gengur frá um 8,5 milljarða króna skuldabréfafjármögnun
December 16, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO) tilkynnti í dag að fyrirtækið hefði gengið frá fjármögnun að fjárhæð um 8,5 milljarðar króna (59,7 milljónir Bandaríkjadala), miðað við núverandi gengi, í formi víkjandi...
Alvotech Completes $
Alvotech Completes $59.7 Million Private Placement
December 16, 2022 04:00 ET | Alvotech
Alvotech (NASDAQ: ALVO), a global biotech company specializing in the development and manufacture of biosimilar medicines for patients worldwide, today announced completion of a private placement of...
Alvotech Shares Star
Alvotech Shares Start Trading on Nasdaq Iceland Main Market
December 08, 2022 03:30 ET | Alvotech
Robert Wessman Founder and Executive Chairman will ring the Nasdaq Iceland closing bell at 15:30 GMT on December 8, 2022Listing on the Main Market can increase visibility, which may allow the company...