Media Advisory - Labour Day: Worker power is key to a stronger middle class
August 31, 2022 10:00 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Aug. 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada’s unions are encouraging workers to reclaim their power and stand up to employers and governments, as the country struggles to recover from the...
Avis aux médias - Fête du Travail : le pouvoir des travailleurs est la clé du renforcement de la classe moyenne
August 31, 2022 10:00 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
MONCTON, Nouveau-Brunswick, 31 août 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Les syndicats du Canada encouragent les travailleurs et travailleuses à reprendre en main leur pouvoir et à tenir tête aux...
Bruske to German Chancellor and the G7: Turn From Ambition to Action on Climate and Just Transition
May 11, 2022 14:11 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
BERLIN, May 11, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today in Germany, Bea Bruske delivered a strong message from international labour leaders to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, President of the G7. “When it...
CLC: Building a Low-Wage Economy With Stomach-Churning Greed
April 26, 2022 12:37 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, April 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Replacing frontline workers with exploited offshore workers, as the restaurant chain Freshii is now doing, moves us towards a low-wage economy that weakens...
Avis aux médias - La présidente Bea Bruske du Congrès du travail du Canada disponible pour parler du budget de 2022
April 05, 2022 09:00 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
OTTAWA, 05 avr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bea Bruske, présidente du Congrès du travail du Canada, sera disponible pour réagir aux annonces du budget de 2022 concernant les travailleurs et leurs...
Media Advisory - Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske Available to React to Budget 2022
April 05, 2022 09:00 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, April 05, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to talk about the impacts of Budget 2022 on workers and their families. Bruske...
Media Advisory - Canadian Labour Congress’ President Bea Bruske Available to React to Budget 2022
March 31, 2022 10:20 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, March 31, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress, will be available to talk about the impacts of Budget 2022 on workers and their families. Bruske...
Rank and file union members engage MPs with powerful stories about the need to end seniors’ clawbacks
December 03, 2021 11:27 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
Bruske: Hundreds of union members participated in CLC’s Action Week, telling MPs about low-income seniors being left behind and care workers in desperate need of a break OTTAWA, Dec. 03, 2021 ...
Les députés doivent écouter les travailleurs et prendre des mesures pour une relance équitable qui rend la vie plus abordable
November 29, 2021 08:30 ET | Congrès du travail du Canada
OTTAWA, 29 nov. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Les syndicats du Canada veulent s’assurer que les députés fédéraux prêtent l’oreille aux travailleuses et travailleurs, en ce début de session parlementaire...
MPs Must Listen to Workers and Take Action on a Fair Recovery That Makes Life More Affordable
November 29, 2021 08:30 ET | Canadian Labour Congress
OTTAWA, Nov. 29, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Canada’s unions are making sure Members of Parliament hear from workers, as they get down to work this week. The Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) is launching...