Vystar Receives Second European Patent for Reduced Allergenicity Natural Rubber Latex
March 04, 2019 08:23 ET
Vystar Corp
Vystar’s Vytex® deproteinization method reduces allergenicity and odor,Manufacturing process uses less water, chemical and dyes for naturally, purer, whiter and stronger latex WORCESTER, Mass., March...
Vystar Pays Off $1.1 Million of Long-Term Convertible Debt at 30% savings
May 08, 2018 08:00 ET
Vystar Corp
All $1.1 million of long-term convertible debt paid off for $795,00085% of debt converted is held by current insiders & large stakeholdersVystar CEO progresses on plan to eliminate all debt ...
Vystar Acquires Assets of NHS Holdings
April 23, 2018 08:30 ET
Vystar Corp
Purchases Assets of NHS at a 70% Discount From $4.6 Million ValuationTransitions Vystar Focus from Rubber Commodities to Higher Revenue, Higher Margin Product Sales WORCESTER, Mass., April 23, 2018 ...
Vystar Names Furniture Industry Leader Steve Rotman as CEO; Appoints 3 Board Members
December 20, 2017 08:01 ET
Vystar Corp
ATLANTA and WORCESTER, Mass., Dec. 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corporation (OCT Pink:VYST) today announced the appointment of Steven Rotman as its Chief Executive Officer and member of the...
Vystar Corporate Update Highlights New Vytex Latex Product Lines & Applications, R&D, Marketing
August 30, 2017 08:29 ET
Vystar Corp
ATLANTA, Aug. 30, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corp. (OTC Market:VYST) is providing an update on the Company’s R&D and expanding product lines and applications for Vytex® deproteinized...
Vystar Director Matthan Attracts Global Interest in Advances in Ultra Low Protein Vytex, Non Rubber Latices, and Dry Natural Rubbers At International Latex Conference
August 15, 2017 08:29 ET
Vystar Corp
ATLANTA and AKRON, Ohio, Aug. 15, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corp. (OTC Market:VYST) Board of Directors Member and Research & Development Director Ranjit K. Matthan, Ph.D., was a speaker at...
Vystar Receives Indonesia Patent Notice of Allowance for Deproteinization of Vytex Natural Rubber Latex
June 07, 2017 09:29 ET
Vystar Corp
ATLANTA, June 07, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corp. (OTC:VYST) has received a notice of allowance from Indonesia for a patent regarding “Natural Rubber Latex Having Reduced Allergenicity and...
Major Latex Foam Producer Lien ‘A Partners with Vystar; CEO Invests in Vystar
June 01, 2017 09:31 ET
Vystar Corp
ATLANTA, June 01, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vystar Corp. (OTC:VYST), has formed a strategic partnership with Lien ‘A, pairing Vystar’s multi-patented, all-natural, virtually allergen free Vytex®...