Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics publicerar årsredovisning för 2019
April 03, 2020 08:05 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) publicerar idag årsredovisningen för räkenskapsåret 2019. Årsredovisningen finns tillgänglig på IBTs hemsida under avsnittet ”Investerare...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics publishes Annual Report for 2019
April 03, 2020 08:05 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) has today published the Annual Report for 2019. The report is available on IBT’s website under the section “Investors & Media –...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB senarelägger årsstämman
April 03, 2020 08:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
På grund av svårigheten att samlas i större grupper, orsakade av corona-epidemin, har IBT:s styrelse beslutat att skjuta årsstämman till den 16:e juni, 2020, istället för som planerat den 11:e maj,...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB postpones Annual General Meeting
April 03, 2020 08:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Due to the difficulty of gathering in larger groups, caused by the Corona Epidemic, IBT's Board of Directors has decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting until June 16, 2020, instead of the...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ), (IBT) Delårsrapport 1 januari – 31 december 2019
February 11, 2020 02:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
VD kommenterar Vid avgivandet av denna kommuniké har IBT bedrivit patientrekrytering under drygt sju månader i den pågående kliniska fas III-studien med IBP-9414. Vi har som tidigare meddelats...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) Interim Management Statement, January 1 – December 31, 2019
February 11, 2020 02:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Message from the CEO IBT’s ongoing clinical phase III study with IBP-9414 has, as of the date of this year-end report, conducted patient recruitment for more than seven months. We have, as...
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PharmaCyte Biotech Will Have All the Protection It Needs for Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Upon Marketing Approval
February 04, 2020 09:00 ET | PharmaCyte Biotech
NEW YORK, NY, Feb. 04, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PharmaCyte Biotech (OTCQB: PMCB) is about to embark upon a planned U.S. FDA Phase 2b clinical trial to treat locally advanced, inoperable pancreatic...
Plus Therapeutics Appoints Dr. An van Es-Johansson to Board of Directors
January 02, 2020 16:15 ET | Plus Therapeutics, Inc.
AUSTIN, Texas, Jan. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: PSTV) (the “Company”), today announced that Dr. An van Es-Johansson has joined the Company’s Board of Directors to...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) meddelar att valberedning inför årsstämman 2020 tillsatts
November 11, 2019 11:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
Årsstämman 2019 beslutade att valberedning skulle tillsättas enligt följande: ”Styrelsens ordförande ska sammankalla de tre till röstetalet största aktieägarna i bolaget, vilka äger utse varsin...
Infant Bacterial The
Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB (publ) announces that the Nomination Committee is appointed for the Annual General Meeting 2020
November 11, 2019 11:00 ET | Infant Bacterial Therapeutics AB
The Annual General Meeting of 2019 decided that the Nomination Committee would be appointed as follows: “The Chairman of the Board shall convene the three largest shareholders in the Company, who each...