OKEx 捐贈 450 萬美元以促進永續合約市場發展
July 25, 2019 10:50 ET | OKEx
馬耳他華列他, July 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 全球首屈一指的數字資產交易所 OKEx 向其永續合約市場風險準備金捐贈價值 450 萬美元的比特幣,以增強客戶對數字資產交易的信心。 去年,OKEx...
OKEx appeared in Times Square, New York
OKEx Donates $4.5 Million to Foster Perpetual Swap Market
July 24, 2019 22:22 ET | OKEx
VALLETTA, Malta, July 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OKEx, a world-leading cryptocurrency exchange, has donated $4.5 million-worth of Bitcoin to its perpetual swap market insurance fund to foster...