Vibrant Voices campaign amplifies seniors’ views on federal issues
February 20, 2019 12:39 ET | The Retired Teachers of Ontario
Toronto, Feb. 20, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Representatives from nine organizations, representing more than 2 million seniors and their families, are meeting with Members of Parliament in Ottawa...
Fraser Institute News Release: Ottawa’s push for lower drug costs may hurt patients, stunt innovation
January 24, 2019 05:00 ET | Fraser Institute
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The federal government’s plan to lower prescription drug prices could impede access and thus limit the benefits of life-saving drugs...
Fraser Institute Media Advisory: New study on pharmaceutical drug-pricing in Canada coming Thursday, Jan. 24
January 23, 2019 07:00 ET | Fraser Institute
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 23, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Thursday, Jan. 24, the Fraser Institute will release a new study on prescription drug-pricing in Canada. Pharmaceutical Regulation,...
Fraser Institute News Release: Lessons from the U.K., New Zealand and Australia indicate that government-run pharmacare limits access to new drugs, discourages innovation
December 13, 2018 05:00 ET | Fraser Institute
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As Canadian policymakers grapple with a potential national pharmacare program, we should learn from the United Kingdom, Australia and...
Fraser Institute Media Advisory: New study on pharmacare in Canada coming Thursday, Dec. 13
December 12, 2018 07:00 ET | Fraser Institute
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Thursday, Dec. 13, the Fraser Institute will release a new study on government-run pharmacare. The Unintended Consequences of...
Institut Fraser Comm
Institut Fraser Communiqué De Presse : Le gouvernement fédéral risque d’ignorer les régimes provinciaux d’assurance-médicaments existants en vue d’implanter un régime national
October 16, 2018 05:00 ET | Institut Fraser
MONTRÉAL, 16 oct. 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Contrairement aux idées fausses bien répandues, chaque province offre déjà une assurance-médicaments pour aider les Canadiens – en particulier les...
Fraser Institute News Release: Federal government risks ignoring existing provincial drug insurance plans in push for national program
October 16, 2018 05:00 ET | Fraser Institute
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Oct. 16, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Despite widespread misperceptions, every province already provides prescription drug coverage to help Canadians—particularly seniors...
Institut Fraser Avis
Institut Fraser Avis Aux Médias : Nouvelle étude sur l’assurance-médicaments au Canada à venir le mardi 16 octobre
October 15, 2018 06:00 ET | Institut Fraser
MONTREAL, 15 oct. 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le mardi 16 octobre, l’Institut Fraser dévoilera une nouvelle étude sur l’assurance-médicaments au Canada. L’assurance-médicaments provinciale pour les...
Fraser Institute Media Advisory: New study on pharmacare in Canada coming Tuesday, Oct. 16
October 15, 2018 06:00 ET | Fraser Institute
MONTREAL, Oct. 15, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Tuesday, Oct. 16, the Fraser Institute will release a new study on prescription drug coverage in Canada. Provincial Drug Coverage for Vulnerable...
(New Brunswick) Canada’s Labour Leaders Urge Premiers to Collaborate on a National Universal Pharmacare Plan
July 19, 2018 03:01 ET | New Brunswick Federation of Labour
SAINT ANDREWS, New Brunswick, July 19, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the Council of the Federation meeting in Saint Andrews, N.B., Labour leaders from across the country united to deliver a...