Kaldalón hf.: Staðfe
Kaldalón hf.: Staðfesting á skýrslu um fjárhagsleg- og sérstök skilyrði
21 sept. 2024 08h34 HE | Kaldalón hf.
KPMG er staðfestingaraðili vegna almenns tryggingafyrirkomulags Kaldalóns hf.  KPMG hefur nú framkvæmt könnun á útreikningum útgefanda á fjárhagslegum og sérstökum skilyrðum skuldabréfa undir...
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Communiqué de presse : Approbation du Sarclisa aux États-Unis : premier anti-CD38, en association avec un traitement conventionnel, pour les patients atteints d’un myélome multiple nouvellement diagnostiqué (...)
20 sept. 2024 18h36 HE | Sanofi - Aventis Groupe
Approbation du Sarclisa aux États-Unis : premier anti-CD38, en association avec un traitement conventionnel, pour les patients atteints d’un myélome multiple nouvellement diagnostiqué, non éligibles à...
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Press Release: Sarclisa approved in the US as the first anti-CD38 therapy in combination with standard-of-care treatment for adult patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma not eligible for transplant
20 sept. 2024 18h36 HE | Sanofi - Aventis Groupe
Sarclisa approved in the US as the first anti-CD38 therapy in combination with standard-of-care treatment for adult patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma not eligible for transplant         ...
Moody’s hækkar lánshæfiseinkunn Íslands í A1 með stöðugum horfum
20 sept. 2024 17h15 HE | Ríkissjóður Íslands - Lánamál ríkisins
Lánshæfismatsfyrirtækið Moody's Ratings (Moody's) hækkaði í dag lánshæfiseinkunnir íslenska ríkisins í innlendum og erlendum gjaldmiðlum í A1 úr A2. Horfur fyrir einkunnina eru stöðugar. Helsti...
Moody’s Ratings upgrades Iceland’s ratings to A1, changes outlook to stable Moody’s Ratings (Moody's) has upgraded the local and foreign-currency long-term issuer ratings of the Government of Iceland to A1 from A2 and changed the outlook to stable from positive. The key...
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Ensurge is publishing a new research report on our homepage
20 sept. 2024 16h34 HE | Ensurge Micropower ASA
Oslo, Norway, 20 September 2024 - Ensurge Micropower (OSE: ENSU, and OTCQB: ENMPY) Ensurge Micropower ASA has today made available a Technology Research Report, written by Accelerate Capital AS, on...
Kaldalón hf.: Reglub
Kaldalón hf.: Reglubundin tilkynning um kaup á eigin bréfum í samræmi við endurkaupaáætlun
20 sept. 2024 14h07 HE | Kaldalón hf.
Í viku 38 keypti Kaldalón hf. 4.242.766 eigin hluti að kaupvirði kr. 80.504.414 skv. sundurliðun hér á eftir; VikaDagsetningTímiMagnVerðKaupverðVika 3816.9.202411:091.096.13418,920.662.126Vika...
COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: NACON: Emission d’actions nouvelles dans le cadre de l’acquisition de Big Ant Studios
20 sept. 2024 13h36 HE | NACON
                                                Communiqué de presse Lesquin, 20 septembre 2024 18:00h Emission d’actions nouvelles dans le cadre de l’acquisition de Big Ant Studios Nacon (la...
20 sept. 2024 13h36 HE | NACON
                                                Press release Lesquin, 20 September 2024 18:00hrs ISSUANCE OF NEW SHARES IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION OF BIG ANT STUDIOS On January 21, 2021,...
End of Day Message
20 sept. 2024 13h35 HE | GlobeNewswire, Inc.
LONDON, 20 Sep. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This is the End of Day Message for GlobeNewswire. GlobeNewswire is operated by Notified and is designated by the FCA as an approved primary information...