Success due to consistent customer orientation

The Belimo Group, leader in the area of electrical direct-coupled actuators for heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning installations, looks back on a successful business year. Net sales increased by over 16 percent to CHF 176.6 million, and earnings by more than 10 percent to CHF 18.9 million.

The success of the Belimo Group is based on consistent customer orientation and a clear focus on actuators for ventilation and air-conditioning.

The growth in sales was reached by an increase in sales of our traditional products as well as by the successful introduction of new actuators for valves and mixing valves. The high investments into research and development are paying off.

The most distinct sales increase of about 27 percent was achieved by the Business Unit Americas. The 29 percent raise in Asia reflects the substantial investments of the Belimo Group in the markets of that region. In Europe, with a market share of clearly more than 60 percent, Belimo was able to increase its sales by about 9 percent.

Further growth of sales and earnings is expected for the new year. The application of new technologies and the demand for the newly launched products in the area of water applications put the worldwide market leader in an optimistic mood.