SpringboardStocks.com Says Nasdaq Going to 4,100, Possibly 2,732 if Earnings Disappoint

RYE, N. Y., April 4, 2000 (PRIMEZONE) -- In the just released FREE MacroMonthly report by SpringboardStocks.com, it was noted that the Nasdaq was trading at almost four times the projected growth rate. That was twice the premium than either the DOW or S&P 500 indexes. "Nasdaq will go to 4,100 and that will still be a huge premium of three times the projected growth rate" says Paul Cuneo, President of SpringboardStocks.com. "If upcoming earnings are even slightly disappointing, could see Nasdaq fall to 2,732, or two times the projected growth rate."

SpringboardStocks.com is an earnings tracking service, identifying stocks experiencing sudden surges in forecasted earnings for related price appreciation. Since 12/98, 117 surges have already been identified and booked, averaging 93% annualized return.

Mr. Cuneo says he is not a bear, but an opportunist. "I can't wait for the Nasdaq premium to come down more. Naturally surges identified in depressed markets perform much better than those spotted at market peaks."

Details of this FREE newsletter as well as a complete list of current stocks with accelerating earnings can be found at http://www.SpringboardStocks.com

