BioPhausia: Year end report 2001 (with link)

UPPSALA, Sweden, February 27, 2002 (PRIMEZONE) -- BioPhausia reports year-end results and significant events.

 -- Sales amounted to SEK 2.071.000 (SEK 975.000)
 -- Rights for RescueFlow(r) acquired in the Nordic countries 
 -- New approvals for RescueFlow(r) in Europe
 -- Distribution agreement for RescueFlow(r) in Asia 
 -- Positive results from pre-clinical studies within BP 04 project
 -- Patents for BP 04 in the USA and Australia         
 -- Saving plans are implemented
 -- The net result for the fiscal year amounted to a loss of SEK
    23.818.000 (loss SEK 24.765.000); SEK 12.744.000 (SEK 12.034.000)
    of which were research and development costs. 

 Important events after the close of the period
 -- Patents in 17 European countries for BP 04 
 -- Distribution agreement for RescueFlow(r) in the Netherlands
 -- 85% subscription in the new share issue which provides the company
    with approximately MSEK 30

Acquisition of rights for RescueFlow(r) in the Nordic countries BioPhausia has signed an agreement with Pharmalink AB regarding acquisition of RescueFlow(r) in the Nordic countries. Pharmalink acquired in 1999 exclusive license rights for RescueFlow(r) in the Nordic countries, rights which are now reverted to BioPhausia. Through this acquisition BioPhausia now controls RescueFlow(r) on the home market, an advantage for the company when marketing RescueFlow(r) internationally.

New approvals for RescueFlow(r)

Subsequent to the mutual recognition procedure in Europe, and according to decision made on November 28 2001, RescueFlow(r) will be granted approval for marketing and sales in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Luxemburg and Iceland. The company adheres to its previously stated plan for registrations.

Distribution agreement for RescueFlow(r) in Asia

BioPhausia has signed a distribution agreement for RescueFlow(r) with Yungjin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. in South Korea. The company has long experience from the South Korean pharmaceutical industry, and is well connected with the target group, hospital specialists.

The compilation of the registration documentation for South Korea has started, and an application will be submitted by Yungjin subsequent to adaptation to local demands. Marketing will commence in 2002.

Positive results from pre-clinical studies within project BP 04

Previously reported studies show that treatment with BP 04 decreases the pressure in tumours, and increases the uptake of marker substance in the tumours. Further studies have consequently shown that treatment with BP 04 induces increased uptake of cytostatics in the tumour tissue and suppressed tumour growth in comparison with a control-group.

Patents in the USA and Australia for BP 04

Patents named "Enhanced anti-cancer agent delivery to solid tumours by primer compounds," have been approved in the USA and Australia. The patented principle for BP 04 implies that the internal bindings which create high pressure in solid tumours, i.e. colon cancer and breast cancer, are broken, and the uptake of cytostatics is increased. The patents amount to a breakthrough for the BP 04 project.

Savings implemented

From the third quarter 2001 the company implemented a savings program which on a yearly basis will lower the costs considerably.

 Summary of Consolidated Income Statement (SEK 000s)

                                    Oct-Dec Oct-Dec Jan-Dec Jan-Dec
                                     2001    2000    2001    2000

 Net sales                             899     399   2 071     975
 Cost of goods sold                    -89    -167    -432    -167
 Gross profit                          810     232   1 639     808
 Selling expenses                     -531  -1 184  -4 606  -3 526
 Administrative expenses              -648  -2 494  -4 708  -8 454
 Research and development
  expenses                          -2 987  -3 213 -12 988 -12 034
 Exchange profit/loss                 -282       3      22       4
 Operating loss                     -3 638  -6 656 -20 641 -23 202
 Interest income and similar
  revenues                              48     122     427     531
 Interest expenditure and
  similar costs                     -2 162    -538  -3 560  -2 090
 Loss after financial items         -5 752  -7 072 -23 774 -24 761
 Taxes                                 -44       -     -44      -4
 Net loss for the year              -5 796  -7 072 -23 818 -24 765
  of which is depreciations            780   1 078   2 573   2 499

 Summary of Consolidated Balance Sheet (SEK 000s)

                                               2001-12-31  2000-12-31

 Intangible assets                                 17 913      16 495
 Tangible assets                                      305         489
 Financial assets                                  11 352      11 595
 Other current assets                               1 491       3 132
 Inventories                                           98         144
 Accounts receivable                                  689         843
 Liquid assets                                      5 539      24 542
 Total assets                                      37 387      57 240
 Equity                                            16 051      34 704
 Interest-bearing liability, convertible loan      16 642      16 343
 Operating liability                                4 694       6 193
 Total equity                                      37 387      57 240

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