The Ultimate Theology of the Still Evolving Mind, and Whether or Not There is a God

PRINCETON, N.J., July 20, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- A new study just released looks at natural religion for peaceful human coexistence, featured in The Natural Bible For Modern And Future Man by John F Brain.

This study recognizes that Man is largely an emotional being. However, traditional religions all have roots in the distant past when life and mind were far more simplistic. This new book recognizes how religions originated and were widely taught generation after generation but suggests that they were never subjected to explanation and analysis in terms of neuroscientific structure and function of today's world.

Based on modern understanding the new book looks upon all religions as similar. It finds that the retained ancestral animal mind reflects the powerful vital emotions of Man and the later cortical evolutionary addition increasingly mediates those emotions with reason and logic. It concludes that the only possible true god is the "god of Nature", the basis of all natural function responsible for the Universe and for the terrestrial chemistry of which Man became a part. It suggests that only such a non-anthropomorphic god of eternal fundamental mystery will ultimately be revered appropriately by Man but cannot be expected to respond to prayer or to provide immortality.

Alternative explanation and guidance is provided with respect to many current social issues having religious implications in judicial and legislative processes. These include matters such as same-sex marriage, abortion, stem-cell research, suicide bombing, prayer in school, abuse by religious leaders and other matters of church and state. It warns of destructive emotions inadvertently triggered by extreme religious emotion, of the misuse of religion for political gain and of retardation of ongoing development of human reason due to long term adherence to imaginative beliefs as reality.

          The Natural Bible For Modern And Future Man
       The Ultimate Theology of the Still Evolving Mind
                      By John F Brain
                 ISBN 0-7618-277-5 194 pp
          Hamilton Books-University Press of America
            (The Rowman & Littlefield Group)
 4501 Forbes Blvd.  Lanham MD 20706  (1-800-462-6420)

         For review Copy contact: or
       Publisher, Att: Nancy Hofmann, Review Coordinator

        or further reference and author information see website:

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