New Web Site Dedicated to Promoting Positive Images for Blacks Has Multi Purpose Message for Black Youth

PHOENIX, Aug. 8, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- A new web site which will live up to its name,, a wholly owned subsidiary of Internet Marketing Concepts, Inc., has been launched with an eye toward developing good value systems for young black people, thereby giving them a leg up on their futures. will identify and profile people in the black community youngsters can look up to and then draw inspiration from them and the way they conduct their lives. These people can come from all segments of society at large. Sure, they might be athletes, movie stars or musical artists, but they also could be police officers, firefighters, successful business leaders, ministers, nurses or a myriad of other professions. They might also be mothers or fathers who have excelled at raising their children to be good, well-adjusted people and contributors to society.

All those profiled will have certain things in common. They will have lived their lives in such a manner as to draw admiration and respect from the community at large. They will have contributed something positive and, yes, they will be "role models" for youth to emulate. A special committee will be impaneled to make decisions on the people who are profiled.

Along with the profiles, will also feature a number of other assets for young black people. There will be links to black history. People like Martin Luther King and Jackie Robinson will find prominent places on the site.

There will be a directory of black owned or managed businesses listed and easily accessed by name, type of business or key words. Also available will be employment listings and opportunities and educational links which could include scholarship information.

Eddie Williams, President of is enthusiastic about the future of the new site. "Here's an opportunity for the African American community to really put its best foot forward," he said. Williams added, "too often it's the foul mouthed, hatred spewing rapper or the drugged out movie icon who gets the ink. We know they are a small minority of the minority and now we can do something about giving the 'good guys and gals' some much needed exposure on our web site." is an entrepreneurial effort. The site will be paid for by advertisers and sponsors who want to help give black youth a beacon in their lives that is worthwhile and, well...positive.

