Mark Lunsford and Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation Issue Letter of Endorsement for OPPS, the Online Predator Profiling System

HOMOSASSA SPRINGS, Fla., Feb. 10, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Mark Lunsford, president of the Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation, today announced the release of a Letter of Endorsement for the Online Predator Profiling System (OPPS), developed by AdZone Research, Inc. (OTCBB:ADZR).

"It is almost a year since I lost my daughter to the hands of a predator. I have dedicated my life to ensuring this does not happen to another family by encouraging every state in the nation to pass a version of 'Jessica's Law,' and to see the same action at the federal level," said Mark Lunsford. "I also understand that law enforcement needs the right tools to catch these criminals, and that the press has done an excellent job of making the public aware of just how easy it is for these criminals to get to our kids using the Internet. That is why our police officers across the country need OPPS."

"I have seen OPPS in action, and know that it's already having a positive impact on predator monitoring by police in both the greater D.C. area and Metro New York. But it's needed everywhere. The other night, before I appeared on 'The O'Reilly Factor' to talk about Utah dragging its feet on 'Jessica's Law,' I told Bill (O'Reilly) about OPPS so he would do a follow-up on how important this tool is in getting the criminals off the street and then keeping them in jail. And I plan to do the same every chance I get, including talking to Oprah," said Lunsford.

"As Dan Wasserman from AdZone said in his interview on NBC-4 last Friday night after the third 'Dateline' program about online predators," Lunsford said, "the constant claim that this is the first time these animals have done this is 'bogus and OPPS has the proof.' That is exactly what the states need to know to ensure the passage of 'Jessica's Law.' These guys will keep doing this, and the Internet just gives them free access. But with OPPS the police are able to make arrests, and with 'Jessica's Law' we can put them away for 25 to life," Lunsford concluded.

To view the Letter of Endorsement please visit . For more information on the foundation please see .

