Lindal Cedar Homes Founder Distills 61 Years of Housing Experience to His Dealers

SEATTLE, June 27, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- Lindal Cedar Homes of Seattle has thrived while many other housing companies have vanished since its inception in 1945. Sir Walter Lindal, Lindal Cedar Homes' founder, says, "A unique combination of meticulous research and driven strategy has allowed us to steadily deliver homes throughout the world for the past 61 years."

With a solid track record of being the leading provider of custom cedar post and beam homes throughout the world, Lindal founder, Sir Walter Lindal, wanted a way to personally honor the dedication and service of Lindal's top dealers across the country. The Lindal founder launched a Founder's Circle Award in February of this year for their national dealer representatives. "This company means so much to me," says Lindal, who founded the company 61 years ago in 1945. "We have such an amazing group of dealers who represent this company impeccably -- I wanted to find a way to express my gratitude personally, and honor their hard work."

At age 87, Sir Walter Lindal still serves on the board of his company and is in his office every day, working on new product development. So, for him, traveling across the country isn't that unusual. The Founder's Circle is a series of monthly visits to Lindal Cedar Homes' top producers, where Sir Walter will present them with their Founder's Circle award. In February, he traveled to Silverado, CA, to honor dealer Linda Gottlieb of Quest Cedar Homes and Sunrooms. Most recently, Sir Walter has been on the east coast, visiting award recipients Jim and Susan Johnston of Atlantic Custom Homes in Cold Spring, NY, on April 29, and Wayne and Anita South of Cedar Classics in Hope, NJ, the following day.

His next travels will bring him to Tectonics II of Charlottesville, VA, where Steve Crandall will be honored on July 1. Sir Walter will then travel to Harpers Ferry, WV, to present Vicky Drumheller of Cedar Images with her Founder's Circle Award on July 2.

Lindal Cedar Homes is known around the world for their adventurous customers and custom home designs. They now have over 150 independent dealers in the United States, Canada, Japan, Russia and many other countries. For more information on Lindal Cedar Homes, or Sir Walter Lindal's Founder's Circle Award, contact Sig Benson 1-800-426-0536, or visit them online at

