WorldWater & Solar Technologies System Commissioned On Trenton Federal Courthouse -- First Solar Installation for U.S. General Services Administration's Mid-Atlantic Region

Ceremony Held November 8 at Courthouse

EWING, N.J., Nov. 8, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp. (WWAT), developer and marketer of proprietary high-power solar systems, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the State of New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) today commissioned the new solar system at the Clarkson S. Fisher Courthouse Annex in Trenton, New Jersey.

This is the first solar installation for the GSA Mid-Atlantic Region and the first GSA project for WorldWater. It is projected to yield an energy savings of approximately 50,000-kilowatt hours annually. Installed on the roof of the seven-story Annex, the photovoltaic array will provide a substantial portion of the building's electricity during daylight hours. When offices are closed, the Courthouse will earn net metering credits from PSE&G for system-generated electricity, further reducing the government's utility bill. The project was funded in partnership with the state of New Jersey through the Customer Onsite Renewable Energy (CORE) program administered by NJPBU.

Dignitaries attending the event included: Barbara L. Shelton, Regional Administrator, GSA Mid-Atlantic Region; Mark Ewing, Director, Center for Energy Expertise and Joseph Fiordaliso, Commissioner, State of NJ Board of Public Utilities. WorldWater executives also attended along with Ray Angelini of RAI, WorldWater's joint venture partner in the project, among others.

Quentin T. Kelly, Chairman and CEO of WorldWater & Solar Technologies stated, "We are encouraged that state and federal governments are aggressively supporting solar power. The Federal Energy Bill that instituted the 30% investment tax credit is spurring investors, creating private sector jobs and benefiting the environment across the country. This milestone GSA project shows how state and federal interests can cooperate to show how public buildings can also benefit from solar, save on electricity, use less fossil fuel and avoid emitting tons of carbon dioxide into our air."

About U.S. General Services Administration

Founded in 1949, GSA serves as a centralized procurement and property management agency for the federal government. GSA manages more than one-fourth of the government's total procurement dollars and influences the management of $500 billion in federal assets, including 8,600 government-owned or leased buildings and 205,000 vehicles. GSA helps preserve our past and define our future, as a steward of more than 425 historic properties, and as manager of, the official portal to federal government information and services. GSA's mission to provide superior workplaces, expert technology solutions, acquisition services, purchasing and E-Gov travel solutions and management policies, at best value, allows federal agencies to focus on their core missions.

About WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp.:

WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corporation is a full-service, international solar electric engineering and water management company with unique, high-powered and patented solar technology that can not only generate and distribute electricity, but can drive 1,000 horsepower motors and pumps from sunshine independently or in conjunction with the electric grid, providing solutions to a broad spectrum of the world's electricity and water supply problems. For more information about WorldWater & Solar Technologies Corp., visit the website at

About Ray Angelini, Inc. (RAI):

RAI Contractors & Engineers is a New Jersey based firm that has been in business for more than 30 years. Licensed in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, RAI operates primarily in the tri-state area but has performed work as far West as Hawaii and in Europe in Germany and Portugal. For more information, visit

