Wideload Games Launches GRRnews.com, the No. 1 Source for Election Coverage in the Animal Kingdom

 GRRnews.com Sponsored by Politically-Charged Party Game, Hail to the

    News Team Anchor Woodchuck Chumley On Assignment At Iowa Caucus

DES MOINES, Iowa, Jan. 3, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- In the spring of 2008, democracy comes to the animal kingdom in Wideload Games' politically-charged party video game Hail to the Chimp. Only one animal will rally enough support in the wild to win and become president. If you feel like you are uninformed about this election, it is likely due to the human bias at CNN, MSNBC, and the so-called Fox News. With the launch of GRRnews.com, you now have a site "by animals for animals" that scares up hard-hitting, probing coverage of the issues YOU care about every day.

The GRR News herd of top notch correspondents includes award-winning News Anchor Woodchuck Chumley, Co-Anchor Juliet the Ostrich, and everyone's favorite Weatherturtle Rusty. Together they will bring you up-to-the-minute election polls, gossip, stock tips, interviews with candidates, and more. Tireless reporters will track the ten candidates, and each of their different political parties and platforms. Other site features will include a daily blog, video, horoscope, obituaries and regular columns including "This Day in History."

"News is our territory," said GRR News team anchor Woodchuck Chumley. "Other news networks are nothing more than the lapdogs of the ruling elite. GRR is the network for the discerning news hound. No matter how chaotic the world gets -- and it's going to get pretty wild during the upcoming election -- animals everywhere know they can turn to GRR for the truth. Now, with the advent of GRRnews.com, you can get your full dose of GRR using cutting-edge 'Internet' technology."

As the recognized Godfather of animal news, Woodchuck Chumley is a hero of reporters around the world. Wideload Games and Gamecock Media Group are sponsoring Woodchuck Chumley's trip to the upcoming Iowa caucus in Des Moines where he and his video crew will show legions of admiring journalists how it's done.

Hail to the Chimp, the lead sponsor of GRRnews.com, will deliver exciting gameplay, lush interactive environments, and a comic look at politics. Just like any political race, the candidates will fight hard and are encouraged to team-up and form alliances when it helps their campaign. But only one will win the right to party.

Hail to the Chimp (www.hailtothechimp.com) will be published by Gamecock Media Group and released on Xbox 360(r) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation(r)3 computer entertainment system at a price point of $39.99.

Image: http://gamecockmedia.com/press/ChumleySolo.jpg

The Gamecock Media Group logo is available at http://www.primenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=3312

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