MIR Preclinical Services Offers Preclinical Models of Atherosclerosis

ANN ARBOR, Mich., June 9, 2008 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- MIR Preclinical Services (MIR) has added preclinical models of atherosclerosis to its list of in vivo service offerings. These models are used to determine whether or not drug candidates have an effect on the development or regression of atherosclerosis in genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM's) and to determine whether or not this effect is related to changes in plasma cholesterol levels. This research is vitally important since atherosclerosis is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the U.S. This very intense area of research for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry includes assessment of hypolipidemic and lipid regulating agents, thrombolytics and the application of thrombolytics to medical devices and novel anti-inflammatory strategies.

These services are headed up by Dr. Joe Cornicelli, who has over 22 years of experience conducting and directing research in the large pharmaceutical industry, involving all aspects of the development pipeline from target identification through early clinical studies. "We have already performed a number of these studies for our current clients and I am excited about adding this to our host of advertised services," Dr. Cornicelli stated. "Our goal is to continue to develop preclinical disease models to test potential therapeutics in the areas of greatest need. We not only develop innovative models for service but also provide the consultation and experience to strategically assist our clients in their selection and development of promising preclinical candidates," Dr. Cornicelli continued.

About MIR Preclinical Services

MIR is a contract research organization specializing in the preclinical assessments and evaluation of novel anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory therapeutic agents. The company's senior leadership has over 100 years of drug discovery experience with models of cancer and inflammatory diseases. MIR offers many services that include analysis of efficacy, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, blood chemistries and histology. This is in addition to non-invasive imaging of disease status at anatomical and functional levels and consulting. MIR is a leader in the integration of traditional efficacy testing with clinically relevant imaging technologies to provide new insights to drug discovery and development. The company is unique in its ability to apply non-invasive in vivo imaging modalities including preclinical MRI, X-ray micro-CT, high resolution preclinical PET, and bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging to visualize biological processes such as signal transduction, apoptosis, angiogenesis, bone deformation, joint degradation and tumor growth.

