Eons.com Announces Results of Its Second Annual State of Longevity Report; Hawaii and Colorado Top State Rankings for Boomer Life Expectancy

Educates Boomers About the Importance of Strong Interpersonal Relationships and Social Communities

CHARLESTOWN, MA--(Marketwire - July 30, 2008) - Eons.com, the largest social network for boomers, today announced the results of its second annual State of Longevity Report revealing which states rank in the top 10 for boomer life expectancy. Hawaii and Colorado top the list this year with the highest average calculated age of 92.15. The results are based on data collected from more than 650,000 Eons.com members from May 2007 to May 2008 who completed its proprietary Longevity Calculator at www.eons.com/calculator.

The Eons.com Longevity Calculator is tailored specifically for boomers with 40 questions that assess their personal history; lifestyle habits; nutrition and exercise; medical check-ups; and family history. Upon completion, each user receives their calculated longevity, plus personalized recommendations on improving their nutrition and lifestyle choices to help add years to their life from Thomas Perls, M.D., M.P.H. -- creator of the Eons.com Longevity Calculator and founder and director of the New England Centenarian Study, the largest study of centenarians and their families in the world.

The top 10 rankings for the second annual Eons.com State of Longevity Report are as follows:

Top 10 States -- Highest Boomer Life Expectancy

1    Hawaii        92.15
T1   Colorado      92.15
3    California    91.69
T4   Utah          91.62
T4   New Hampshire 91.62
T4   Alaska        91.62
7    Montana       91.615
8    Oregon        91.50
9    Connecticut   91.46
10   Arizona       91.31

The Longevity Calculator is not just a tool, but a catalyst into community and action. Eons.com gives those who take the Longevity Calculator a push toward connecting with other members and joining Groups on the site that might help them improve their overall health, such as "Quitters Are Winners: Quitting Smoking" and "Weight Loss and Nutrition."

"Both online and offline relationships are one of the keys to longevity," said Dr. Thomas Perls. "As boomers go through life changing events like retiring, moving, downsizing, or relocating -- they need to create new networks. Boomers are not as accustomed to building social groups online, so they're going to have to get creative about meeting new people and staying in touch with family and friends. Eons.com is a great place for them to connect with interesting people who share similar life experiences."

A November 2007 McKinsey study, "Serving Aging Baby Boomers," states that loneliness will afflict more than one in five boomers, who will turn to several new sources of community. Affinity groups related to boomers' interests such as cooking, reading, or photography are likely to play a larger role in creating social outlets. As tech-savvy boomers age, these groups will increasingly meet online.

According to Dr. Thomas Perls, the predicted life expectancy for baby boomers is very different than the average life expectancy for the entire U.S. population, which is 78.1 according to a report released by the government in June. Boomers have quite a few advantages over older generations considering that, on average, they smoke less, have more years of education, and have access to better health care and prevention advice. Therefore it makes sense that boomers' life expectancy is higher.

Dr. Thomas Perls offers the following factors for adding years to your life:

1. Attitude: Maintain a healthy attitude about age. Centenarians rarely consider their age a limitation, and how a person feels about aging is key to his or her ability to thrive.

2. Social Interaction: There's accumulating literature demonstrating that active social networks -- and adding new contacts and relationships to one's life -- increases cardiovascular health in particular. Whether a person forges relationships offline or online, a support system of friends for conversation and activities helps to increase longevity.

3. Exercise Your Muscles: Ideally, for increased longevity, one should exercise five times a week for 30 minutes a day. Additionally, with increasing age, resistance training becomes more important for maintaining strength and muscle.

4. Don't Smoke: Smoking is by far the most important behavioral health hazard facing Americans today.

5. Exercise Your Brain: Online games can exercise specific areas of your brain much like weight lifting works different muscle groups. There are a variety of brain games available on Eons at http://fun.eons.com/brain_games. Progressive improvement in these games can lead to greater functional reserve and resilience which in turn may increase your resistance to memory loss and perhaps even Alzheimer's disease.

6. Floss: A lesser-known factor in overall health, studies show that good gum health is an important factor in reducing heart disease. Flossing one or two times a day is recommended.

Take the longevity calculator, learn what you specifically can do to enhance your longevity, and get connected at www.eons.com/calculator.

About Tom Perls, M.D., M.P.H.

For the past 13 years, Dr. Perls has directed the New England Centenarian Study (NECS). Funded by The Institute for the Study of Health, The Ellison Medical Foundation, The Alzheimer's Association, and The National Institute on Aging, the NECS is the largest genetic and social study of centenarians and their families in the world. Dr. Perls is author of "Living to 100, Lessons in Maximizing Your Potential at Any Age," and is Associate Professor of Medicine, Geriatrics Section, Department of Medicine, at a leading Boston teaching hospital.

About Eons™

Eons.com is the online community for spirited BOOMers who want to explore their passions, keep in touch with friends, connect with interesting people to share life experiences and most of all have fun. Founded by Jeff Taylor, creator of Monster.com, Eons, Inc. has attracted a team of renowned advisors and industry-leading partners and is backed by venture capital financing from General Catalyst Partners, Sequoia Capital, Charles River Ventures and Intel Capital, as well as Humana, Inc. It is supported by corporate founding partners Humana, Inc., CVS/pharmacy, and Verizon Wireless. Eons is headquartered in Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston. For more information about Eons, visit www.eons.com.

Contact Information: Press Contact: Ericka Stachura InkHouse 781-916-9090 ext. 806 eonspr@inkhousepr.com