Envista Corporation Debuts 'Street Cut Capers' Cartoon

Little Sally's Neighborhood Feels the Pain of Uncoordinated Infrastructure Projects

BEVERLY, Mass., Nov. 10, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Envista Corporation, the exclusive provider of web-based software for infrastructure project coordination, today debuted an original cartoon entitled Street Cut Capers depicting the impact of free-for-all infrastructure renewal work on Main Street, USA. Street Cut Capers chronicles the frustrations of cartoon character Little Sally and her neighbors while their street is being excavated numerous times. Little Sally rides her tricycle through the mayhem of uncoordinated street work until Envista saves the day with real-time sharing of construction and maintenance project schedules among municipalities, utilities, and highway agencies. The cartoon can be viewed at http://www.envista.com/street-cut-capers.

Envista's new cartoon is a part of its broader awareness program designed to spread the word of a timely solution. With so many aging systems (roads, gas pipelines, and water pipelines) requiring attention, lack of coordination among stakeholders is costly to the Public and those managing infrastructure renewal. Industry experts estimate the renewal of these systems will take decades, and will require an investment of more than $1 trillion taxpayer dollars.

Envista CEO Rick Fiery states, "Until the launch of Envista, there has been no technology to help municipalities, utilities, and highway agencies work together efficiently. We wanted to communicate our solution in a way that can be understood by everyone from the average citizen up to the highest level of official in a town or city, DOT, or utility. The Street Cut Capers cartoon evokes humor, and the narrative will bring a smile or a groan at the calamities faced by Little Sally and her neighbors when the diggers roll in to excavate for maintenance work."

Envista's map-driven technology allows project leaders to view projects on a map, and see what work is planned in a specific geographic location. This new capability enables stakeholders to instantly troubleshoot potential conflicts. Envista's "intelligent" technology also reveals strategic opportunities (streets where paving is planned) for infrastructure stakeholders, and shows excavation moratoriums protecting newly paved streets.

About Envista Corporation

Envista is a provider of web-based software for the management oversight of infrastructure that is built and maintained by utility companies and government agencies. The company provides the only centralized, map-driven infrastructure project coordination solution for the exchange of construction and maintenance projects online. Envista's patent-pending solution for infrastructure coordination leverages construction budgets and optimizes the planning of utility and roadway projects while reducing the impact of street cuts on local communities. Envista headquarters are located north of Boston in Beverly, MA. For more information, Envista can be reached at (978) 232-6300 or visit the web site at www.envista.com.

The Envista Corporation logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=5007

Link to press release: http://www.envista.com/envista-corporation-debuts--street-cut-capers--cartoon

