Probaris Showcases Identity and Credential Management System to AAAE/DHS/TSA Aviation Security Summit Attendees

PHILADELPHIA, PA--(Marketwire - December 9, 2008) - Probaris, a leading provider of identity management software and solutions, will be showcasing its core product suite, Probaris ID, at the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE) Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC on Wednesday, December 10, 2008.

This annual event brings senior leaders in airport operations together with executives from the government, industry and the AAAE to discuss security policy and related operational issues. The Government will be represented by two organizations that are central to aviation security policy -- the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The summit is an intensive, one-day conference focusing on the most important security issues facing the aviation industry, including physical and logical access control, biometrics, and perimeter security.

Probaris will demonstrate the flexibility and scalability of its Probaris ID product suite in credential issuance and lifecycle management. Probaris ID is a proven commercial solution for issuing high assurance identity credentials. These trusted credentials comply with the Government's Federal Information Processing Standard 201 (FIPS 201). They are used worldwide by government, aviation, and corporate enterprises to improve physical access control and network security. Last week, members of the National Safe Skies Alliance traveled to Probaris headquarters in Philadelphia, to receive test credentials. They will use the credentials over the next year to test aviation security technologies and processes.

Conference participants will gain valuable knowledge from the Probaris team that has been a leader in some of the world's largest and most advanced identity initiatives. Probaris software is being used by multiple federal agencies to comply with Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12). Probaris is also a leading innovator in the delivery of First Responder Authentication Credentials (FRAC), which allow emergency responders the ability to quickly, easily, and securely access disaster sites.

Conference attendees should visit Table #20 to see a demonstration and receive a test credential.

About Probaris

Probaris ( develops and markets the Probaris ID™ Product Suite, a commercial end-to-end solution for credential issuance and identity lifecycle management. Probaris ID is currently being used by federal agencies to comply with the HSPD-12 mandate of 2004. State and local governments are using Probaris ID to comply with the federal identity standard for their employees and emergency response personnel. Probaris ID bundles multiple pre-integrated GSA-approved products to provide all elements of the credential solution.

Contact Information: For further information please contact: Megan McHugh 215.238.0510 x237