What's "Philosychology?" -- A Compilation of Pensive Quotes, Notes, and Messages That Tap the Consciousness

CHELSEA, Ala., Sept. 8, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Author Edward Hannon proposes a new study of conscious behavior, "philosychology," in his thought-provoking and motivating book, Path and Pinnacle of Consciousness. This science is a synthesis of empirical psychology along with his philosophies to methodize a practical or practicable solution to resolve the dilemmas, conflicts, or queries that humanity perpetuates upon itself. A book on ethics and other philosophical topics, this lets readers find the answers to some of their questions on life, self, relationships, and more.

Path and Pinnacle of Consciousness is a compilation of all Hannon's published philosophical books. It is an anthology of witty and introspective quotes, insightful pieces for the mind, practical wisdom, and more. It consists of ethical philosophy. Ethics may be an untapped resource because it's highly controversial and intrusive to most people, but the lines, ideas, and descriptions are well-conveyed and expressed that they definitely hit where it needs to strike. Because not everyone wants to be told how they must act or what they should do, the quotes and verses in this collection are subtle but direct, candid but true. It is presented in a way that they foster positive change for the readers.

Path and Pinnacle of Consciousness branches out from one philosophy to other different ways of thinking. From the philosophies of "Self-Evaluation," "Self-Awakening," and "Self-Refinement," it continues to the various "Edimous Concepts" of divinity laws, self-apathy, change, the masses, marital divorce, war, mirage of lust, wisdom, divine existence, relationship, nature to adopt, listening, strategically moving, stoic demeanor, and more.

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About the Author

Edward L. Hannon was born in Birmingham, Alabama. He travelled the world, and at the creation and publication of this particular book, which took approximately five years, he was serving eleven plus years with the Birmingham Police Department. He admits to being a profoundly flawed individual who somehow, by remaining uncensored of thought along with self and societal opinion, was able to intuit a more adequate path for decorous behavior and achievement. He is also a man who has experienced turbulence in every arena of his life, mainly because of his decision not to accept the status quo when it no longer yields a plentiful harvest. As of present day, he has only attended one day of college.

           Path and Pinnacle of Consciousness * by Edward L. Hannon
                Philosychology: Edisms and Edimous Concepts
                     Publication Date: June 20, 2009
            Trade Paperback; $19.99; 256 pages; 978-1-4415-4320-2
      Trade Hardback; $29.99; 256 pages; 978-1-4415-4321-9

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