SEMPO Hosts Free Webinar: "SEO: Keyword Strategy and Research"

Webinar Presented by Performics' Chris Keating, Director of SEO, and Dan Malachowski, Senior Marketing Strategist

WAKEFIELD, Mass., June 9, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

The search engine results page (SERP) is evolving before our eyes, becoming more relevant to consumers by becoming more personal. This personalization includes listings based on search history, click history, location and a searcher's social circle. Personalization means that, over time, search results for a certain keyword could be vastly different depending on the searcher, thus making SEO keyword strategies more complex. 

Learn more about how personalization is impacting SEO keyword strategy and research. Join Performics' Director of SEO Chris Keating and Senior Marketing Strategist Dan Malachowski as they share insight into how customer-focused SEO keyword research strategies best target consumers in the age of an increasingly personal SERP. These strategies include consumer linguistics profiling, consumer journey mapping, localization, and social listening (monitoring the consumer conversation around your brand to identify keywords).

WHEN: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 12:00pm EDT

WHERE: Online Webcast


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:   This is a free Webinar for SEMPO members and non-members. An archived copy of the session will be listed with the past SEMPO Webinars within 24 hours of the event at

About the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO)

SEMPO is a global non-profit organization serving the search engine marketing industry and marketing professionals engaged in it. Its purpose is to provide a foundation for industry growth through building stronger relationships, fostering awareness, providing education, promoting the industry, generating research and creating a better understanding of search and its role in marketing.

Representing thousands in 40 countries, SEMPO has more than 800 members. It represents the common interests of companies and consultants worldwide and provides them with a voice in the marketplace. SEMPO's education and outreach initiatives are funded in part by Yahoo!, Google, SMX, Search Engine Strategies, DoubleClick, Baidu, and MediaPost. For more information or to join the organization, visit

The Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization logo is available at

