Bloomberg Speaker Patrick Schwerdtfeger Packs a Punch With New Social Media Marketing Book

WALNUT CREEK, Calif., June 7, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bloomberg speaker Patrick Schwerdtfeger today announced the launch of his newest book, entitled Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-employed: Leverage Resources, Establish Online Credibility, and Crush Your Competition (2011, Wiley & Sons, Inc.).

"I want baby boomers to know that tapping into the social media revolution is easier than they think. It's not just for the under-30 crowd," says Schwerdtfeger, a sought-after business speaker and now a three-time author. (Webify Your Business: Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed, 2009, and Make Yourself Useful: Marketing in the 21st Century, 2008). Schwerdtfeger ought to know. He used the same 80 marketing shortcuts presented in the book to achieve his own remarkable success. A regular speaker for Bloomberg TV, he is also founder of the thriving, Berkley-based Entrepreneur and Small Business Academy, one of the 50 largest entrepreneur groups in the nation.

"In marketing, sometimes the obstacle we imagine is far greater than the reality. My new book takes away the fear of using social media marketing tactics. Instead, it takes a reader through step-by-step, easy-to-follow instructions on what to do to achieve social marketing success," explains Schwerdtfeger, whose website,, features robust content on the topic and various links to his newest book.

Schwerdtfeger is quick to underscore that this book is especially for entrepreneurs, small business owners and self-employed service professionals—those who are often strapped with small or no staff, limited cash flow, and not enough hours in their day to execute a full-blown marketing campaign. Each of the book's 80 chapters is short—no more than three or four pages, can be read in 10 minutes or less, and includes a checklist at the end of each chapter.

Readers will learn how to:

  • Identify their value proposition and hone an elevator pitch
  • Develop killer content that drives SEO and converts website visitors into customers
  • Understand Google Analytics data
  • Build trust and establish credibility with videos, blogs, and podcasts
  • Communicate with precision on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter
  • Attract clients with Yelp, Google Places, and Yahoo! Local
  • Promote offline events using online channels
  • Profit from today's online opportunities

"It's always a pleasure to see how well a person understands the benefits of using social media for business purposes," notes Progressive Media Concepts in a pre-launch review posted June 6. "Patrick covers the importance of community engagement, content and authenticity across social networks….The most vital point made in the book though, is the return on investment (ROI) of social media….Marketing Shortcuts for the Self-Employed is an excellent read for those who could use some inside advice on how to build and establish a web presence for [their] company.…"

For more information, or to download free worksheets, go to

