Source : DataXu Inc

DataXu Announces DX3: The First Enterprise Digital Marketing Management Platform

Powerful Solution Enables Marketers to Turn Big Data Into Profit

BOSTON, MA--(Marketwire - Nov 7, 2011) - DataXu ( today announced the launch of DX3. DX3 is the only fully-integrated digital marketing management platform. DX3 enables marketers to acquire and retain more customers by optimizing across the most profitable audience segments, media channels, and creative messages. Using DX3, marketers can improve campaign performance by up to 2X and save millions of dollars on media, technology and service fees.

The deluge of consumer behavioral data created by ubiquitous computing presents a historic opportunity and challenge for the CMO. The rapid evolution of digital media, and the accompanying proliferation of hard-to-implement point solutions, has made it difficult to formulate and act on enterprise-wide decisions driven by the effective use of real-time customer intelligence.

Industry experts are taking notice. In the September 2011 Forrester Research Inc. report, "The Future of Digital Media Buying," report author and senior analyst Joanna O'Connell observed that the demand-side platform (DSP) model would evolve, alongside data management and analytics capabilities, into an integrated enterprise solution. "DMP/analytics platforms and centralized media buying platforms will increasingly merge into a unified stack." That vision is now a reality with the launch of DX3.

DX3 provides users with an easy-to-use console, powered by industry-leading machine learning technology that enables marketers to use Big Data to make fast, intelligent decisions that drive sales. This unique approach to digital marketing helps organizations gain a better understanding of their customers and achieve the most profitable conversion rates in the industry. And because DataXu does not own media or data, it is a neutral "referee" that creates brand-specific algorithms to continuously optimize marketing investments against unique business objectives. Additionally, for marketers who need more "hands on" help, DataXu provides expert advice and custom solutions that have come to define data-driven innovation and competitive advantage.

"Today's way of working with digital media is broken and everyone knows it," said Mike Baker, Co-Founder and CEO of DataXu. "The biggest challenge for CMOs is creating value from the flood of consumer data as everything goes digital. DX3 is a game changer because it allows marketers to use their existing digital investments to discover real-time consumer insights that drive sales."

DX3 provides marketers with a simple console that enables continuous testing and learning to improve key business decisions. DX3 brings together:

  • Programmatic buying of a Demand Side Platform (DSP) across display, social, mobile, and video, and premium private, guaranteed, and exchange-traded media.
  • Active analytics™ -- scalable, multivariate automated decision-making -- that converts consumer and campaign insights into actions in real time to generate better results and save marketers time and money.
  • Unified audience management capabilities combining both 1st-party data and more than 20,000 3rd-party segments to create custom audience segments that drive higher customer acquisition and retention.
  • Multitouch attribution-aware buying that allocates spending to the best-performing media channels, partners, and data, across all digital channels.

"We need a way to capitalize on vast amounts of data -- enterprise to digital marketing -- in real time," said Jonah Spegman, Director of Digital Media/Marketing for Scripps Networks. "DataXu has accomplished something unique with DX3 -- managing the lifecycle of digital marketing in one centralized platform. By taking full control of our data and cutting out middlemen, we can now make decisions quickly and work with a clearer understanding of how best to reach lucrative digital audiences."

About DataXu
DataXu has developed the industry's only fully-integrated digital marketing management (DMM) platform -- DX3. DX3 defines a new class of enterprise solutions that manage, optimize, and automate digital marketing initiatives to turn Big Data into profitable actions. DataXu's executive team unites leading executives in digital media with MIT technologists. The private company is backed by Atlas Venture, Flybridge Capital Partners and Menlo Ventures. For more information, visit or follow us on Twitter at @dataxu.

Contact Information:

Media Contact:
Vinda Rao
Marketing Communications Manager, DataXu