Infogroup Targeting Solution's Infoconnect Moves to the Cloud With Windows Azure

Infoconnect Delivers Enhanced Business Firmagraphic Data in Real-Time Via Windows Azure Web Service

OMAHA, Neb., March 8, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Infogroup Targeting Solutions, today announced it became a preferred Microsoft partner for the Windows Azure cloud platform to launch Infoconnect, an API solution that provides real-time access to the broadest selection of data sources and the highest quality business and consumer information available. The Infoconnect service is an integral part of the Data Axle™ from Infogroup, connecting data hubs like the Windows Azure cloud, Infogroup data, and our clients' proprietary data.

Windows Azure is an open and flexible cloud platform that enables Infogroup Targeting Solutions' clients to access Infoconnect whenever and wherever they want. Clients can tap into Infogroup's data and gain access to both firmographic and demographic information based on their prospect profiles in real-time for advanced targeting. This flexibility will empower clients with the data they need at the time they need it, significantly increasing efficiencies and cost savings.

"We are excited that SQL Server 2012 customers will be able to access the Data Axle ™ through the Windows Azure Marketplace. Infoconnect is an innovative product that complements SQL Server 2012.  The Windows Azure Marketplace will make access to Infoconnect more convenient for customers and create a data quality process that is easy to manage," said Jim Karkanias, Partner Director, at Microsoft.

"We are extremely excited about bringing the Infoconnect API to the cloud with Microsoft Azure," stated Don Patrick, President of Infogroup Targeting Solutions.  "The ability to access our data solutions immediately is something that we are proud to offer our clients.  The Data Axle™, Infoconnect, and relationships with leaders such as Microsoft are specifically designed to help revolutionize the way organizations can manage, verify, and rotate data around their applications in real-time. Our goals are aligned with Microsoft to assist each organization, reduce marketing costs, increase conversion, and enhance the customer experience through superior data and real-time platform integration."

About Infogroup Targeting Solutions

Infogroup Targeting Solutions helps companies increase sales and customer loyalty through analytically driven consumer and  business data and database marketing solutions.  With exclusive access to the Data AxleTM, we build multichannel solutions using contextually relevant information on 220MM individuals and 21MM businesses.

Mercy Ruiz
Corporate Communications
Phone: (402) 836.5290

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