Babcock Law Firm Attorneys Added to 2012 Rising Stars List for Colorado

Workers' Compensation and Personal Injury Attorneys R. Mack Babcock and Jason B. Harms Receive Prestigious Recognition From Super Lawyers

DENVER, CO--(Marketwire - Jun 4, 2012) - Babcock Law founder R. Mack Babcock and attorney Jason B. Harms, two Colorado attorneys specializing in workers' compensation and personal injury cases (, were recently honored by legal magazine and online directory Super Lawyers. Babcock and Harms are proud to be included on Super Lawyers' 2012 Rising Stars list.

Super Lawyers provides listings of outstanding attorneys representing over 70 practice areas in 36 states. The directory carefully evaluates each attorney nominated for inclusion in both the general directory and specific lists.

This special honor from Super Lawyers only includes approximately 2.5 percent of all attorneys in a given state. Fellow attorneys nominate colleagues they have worked with or against, or those they have otherwise observed in court. An attorney-led research team at Super Lawyers then reviews the credentials of nominees and assigns points. Once the nominations and research are complete, Super Lawyers adds up each nominee's points for a grand total. Those with the highest point totals, and who are either under the age of 40 or have been practicing law for less than 10 years, are added to the Rising Stars list.

"Having both Jason and I included on the Rising Stars list represents a seminal moment in the history of our firm for which we are quite honored," comments R. Mack Babcock. "It's humbling that our colleagues in the Denver area feel our quality of representation warrants inclusion on such an elite list."

Graduates of the University of Denver's Strum College of Law, both R. Mack Babcock and Jason Harms possess a diverse legal background in helping accident victims obtain compensation. Each attorney is licensed to practice in Colorado and can also argue cases before the United States District Court (federal) in the state.

In addition to direct efforts on behalf of clients, Babcock Law founder R. Mack Babcock is extensively involved in organizations dedicated to representing the interests of injured workers in Colorado. This is the third year in a row he has been included on the Rising Stars list.

"Inclusion on the Rising Stars list can hopefully serve to reassure injured workers and accident victims that our firm can carefully listen to their concerns and effectively represent their interests," explains Babcock.

Besides Colorado, Super Lawyers' Rising Stars list is also developed for attorneys in California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and Texas. Visit Super Lawyers to see the listing for both R. Mack Babcock and Jason B. Harms. To learn more about the Colorado workers' compensation and personal injury attorneys, visit today.

About The Babcock Law Firm

Representing injured workers and drivers across Colorado, the Babcock Law Firm combines experience with a commitment to winning justice for clients. Workers' compensation, personal injury, car accidents and insurance disputes are a few of the areas the Babcock Law Firm helps clients obtain compensation. Victims pay nothing until a successful recovery is made. Committed to preserving our environment, the Colorado workers' compensation firm uses green best practices in its everyday operations. The firm welcomes inquiries about Colorado cases falling within its practice areas. Submit your case details and learn more about working with a lawyer. For further details, visit the Denver workers' compensation and personal injury attorneys online at

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Contact Information:

Jan Addams
Practice Manager
The Babcock Law Firm, LLC
(303) 683-5033