New iPad App Makes it Easy to Track Your Carbon Footprint and Go Eco

Download Verde L3C's New App on June 20, 2012

CHICAGO, IL, June 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pledged to go green on Earth Day? Going green may seem like an overwhelming task; however, it doesn't mean making radical changes to your everyday routine. Implementing a number of small changes into your life can make a positive world of difference to our planet. Now, you can go green without being flooded with endless information or suggestions by simply downloading Verde on your iPad!

Verde, the new app for iPad, is a great tool that helps you monitor, conserve, reduce, and thus, minimize your carbon footprint. At normal retail price of just $4.99, the app not only performs an energy audit in your home, it reveals how to save at least $200 each year in energy efficiency upgrades. It also offers the option to integrate your Facebook and Twitter accounts with the app.

In a special cross promotion, the Verde iPad app will be free for one day on June 20th, 2012, thanks to a sponsorship by Reynolds Power - a Chicago based energy company committed to energy efficiency. After downloading the free iPad app on June 20, consumers can use Reynolds Power to reduce the rate they pay for electricity as well.

Requiring iOS 5 or later, the slick app reinforces positive change in its users by demonstrating how much specific appliances cost to run annually, in addition to the impact their energy usage has on the environment. The iPad's built-in GPS helps the app determine your current electricity rate based on your location.

Verde educates its users on the money and carbon that can be saved by simply upgrading older appliances. Users also learn how simple behavioral changes, like hibernating a computer, turning off unused lights, notching the thermostat down one degree or running your air conditioning less can lead to significant savings.

The green app offered by Verde Sustainable Solutions, L3C, has an opt-in automated energy cost finder that looks at your entire home to make recommendations to help you save. Whether suggesting product upgrades or new products entirely, Verde is an educational tool dedicated to helping its users make better decisions for their pocketbooks and our planet.

Advocating the principles of sustainability, Verde Sustainable Solutions, L3C, is a Chicago-based environmental firm founded in 2010. Committed to mission before profit, Verde promotes and educates others on the principles of sustainability by advocating for renewable energy and increased energy efficiency.

Making waves in Chicago, Verde recently received its honorable acceptance into the prestigious 1871, a remarkable group of Chicago's most brilliant engineers, architects, and inventors. Although a member of 1871, Verde's dedication to making an environmental impact extends far beyond Chicago's borders.

To download the Verde app or to learn more about the environmental firm, visit For more information on the 1871, go to, and for more information on Reynolds Power, go to

