Simulmedia Sponsors Tour for Jack Myer's Hooked Up: A New Generation's Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World

NEW YORK, July 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Simulmedia, a targeted television advertising company, today announced that it is sponsoring a national tour for the launch of Jack Myers' new book, Hooked Up: A New Generation's Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World. In his new book, Mr. Myers, provides insights and research on why today's college students may prove to be the next great generation and possibly the greatest generation of the 21st century. Unlike past generations that typically encompass a 20-30 year period, the hooked up generation spans only a 5-year period, those born between 1991 and 1995

Among the revelations from Hooked Up: A New Generation's Surprising Take on Sex, Politics and Saving the World:

  • The Hooked Up generation is wary about having strong feelings or taking strong positions; wary about their future prospects, their plans, their ability to contribute to and influence the world. They're wary about the economy, politics, institutions, organizations, movements, trends and fads, relationships. That wariness extends to teachers, coaches, clergy and celebrities. It encompasses privacy issues, spam, bullying and hazing.
  • Sexually, their attitudes, influences and values differ dramatically from earlier generations as well as from those who are just a few years older. The weekend ritual of dinner and a movie seems to have largely been replaced by no-strings-attached spontaneous sexual encounters commonly known as "hook-ups." The Hooked Up generation's casual approach to dating and reliance on easy-access technology to form connections has resulted in a generation that prefers short-term relationships to long-term commitments. Females especially prefer to participate in hookups – not relationships – as a matter of choice and sexual inclination. Yet studies also show increasing numbers of the Hooked Up generation who describe themselves as virgins or abstinent.
  • The Hooked Up generation is focusing on goals rather than relationships, concentrating on careers and educations rather than on forming and maintaining romantic relationships.
  • They will prove to be a quiet, socially conscious political force to be reckoned with, a bridge between generations that grew up in 20th century politics controlled by politicians, the news media and corporations, and 21st century politics that will be increasingly impacted by wikis, collaborative enterprise, social media and one-to-one online discourse. Twitter, Facebook, Reddit and YouTube are more influential to the Hooked Up gen than the New York Times, Washington Post and Wall St. Journal combined. the Hooked Up generation will prove to be the most politically active generation in more than five decades, with significant influence over who will win offices for decades ahead.
  • The Hooked Up generation will be leaders in restructuring school systems and education programs, applying technology to take greater advantage of online learning opportunities, increase their resources; enable art, drama and music programs; reinvest in sports teams and physical education; and most importantly, improve communications systems and services.

The book tour launched recently at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. In each US market, Simulmedia will co-host the event - at which Mr. Myers will discuss his findings - with a local market partner. The national tour will hit the following cities in July and August:

7/12: NY

7/16: LA, in partnership with the Newhouse School of Communications

7/19: SF, in partnership with Martini Media

7/23: Dallas, in partnership with the Dallas Morning News

7/25: Atlanta, in partnership with Turner

8/8: Chicago, in partnership with Centro

8/9: Boston, in partnership with MPG

TBD: Detroit

TBD: Miami

"Jack Myers is one of the preeminent media ecologists of our time," says Dave Morgan, CEO of Simulmedia. "As a company providing unique insights into television audiences, we feel Jack's new book provides unique insights into a generation where marketers will find early adopters and influences. The more they know about the Hooked Up Generation, the better they will understand how to reach them as media consumers."

"I am pleased and proud to have Simulmedia as a partner on the tour," says Mr. Myers. "My new book is more than the story of the first generation of college students to grow up with the Internet. It's more than a book about a generation that's destined to lead the world into a transcendental period of tolerance and peace, social balance and economic growth. It's a map to the future for business, marketers, educators, politicians, religious leader, and mostly for parents and for members of the Hooked Up generation themselves."

Simulmedia, Inc. ( is a New York City-based television ad targeting company and operates the Simulmedia Audience Network, the world's first data-driven audience network for television. The company's targeting platform leverages predictive technologies and anonymous viewing data from more than 30 million US TV viewers to help national advertisers and their agencies better reach their target audiences, and better measure the results. Simulmedia aggregates TV audiences through partnerships with TV system operators and national networks and reaches all 116 million US TV households. Over the past year, the company helped national marketers and their agencies target, deliver and measure more than 200 campaigns and see results which were 25-300% better than they were able to achieve with traditional TV ad scheduling and targeting methods.

Founded and led by Internet entrepreneur Dave Morgan, Simulmedia is backed by Avalon Ventures, Union Square Ventures and Time Warner Investments.

The Simulmedia, Inc. logo is available at

