Joliet and Chicago Chiropractor Recommends Adjustment, Exercise for Fibromyalgia

CHICAGO, Aug. 12, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chicago and Joliet residents plagued by the pain, stiffness, insomnia and other symptoms of fibromyalgia may experience relief through chiropractic treatment. Physicians Plus announced that they have helped patients control the symptoms of this soft tissue disorder through a combination of spinal adjustment, prescribed exercises and lifestyle counseling. "Because fibromyalgia directly involves the central nervous system, our ability to correct impaired nerve function can do a great deal to reduce pain," says the clinic's director, Dr. Mark Cohen.

Fibromyalgia poses something of a puzzle to doctors because of its unclear cause and difficulty of diagnosis. Some populations, such as women and people with autoimmune disorders, appear to have a higher risk for developing the condition than others, and there may be genetic predispositions toward it. Injuries or illnesses may also jump-start this potentially disabling condition.

"Fibromyalgia seems to alter the levels of certain chemicals, including serotonin, tryptophan and Substance P, a kind of protein that builds up in the muscles," explains Dr. Cohen. He adds that these changes can cause a hypersensitivity to pain signals, creating the need for continuous pain management. Fibromyalgia patients may also suffer from chronic fatigue, sleeplessness, tinnitus, depression, anxiety, neurological problems, headaches and other problems.

The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is based on the presence of tender points. There are eighteen known tender points distributed across all four quadrants of the body. If a patient registers pain at 11 or more of these points, most practitioners are prepared to diagnose a case of fibromyalgia, especially when other characteristic symptoms are apparent.

Dr. Cohen explains that spinal adjustments and physical therapy can address symptoms of fibromyalgia, at least temporarily, because any correction that improves the central nervous system's efficiency also improves other physical functions. "Chiropractic adjustment focuses on relieving stress from nerves, which in turn normalizes the signals those nerves are sending to the various parts of the body," he notes. "Nerve signals control everything from immune response and organ function to pain perception, so when we get the nerves working properly, we can often relieve back pain or pain in other tender points and enable the body to correct its chemical balance."

In addition to Chicago chiropractic care, the clinic often prescribes exercise for its fibromyalgia patients. Gentle stretching exercises can help control the muscle stiffness typical of the disorder, while lifestyle counseling can help normalize sleep patterns and optimize wellness. Dr. Cohen points out that since fibromyalgia does not currently have a cure, pain management becomes the main objective to improve a patient's quality of life.

Physicians Plus provides Joliet and Chicago pain management and rehabilitation through spinal adjustment and other supportive therapies.

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