Chiropractor in Gahanna Recommends Nutritional Counseling for Pain Management, Injury Rehab

GAHANNA, Ohio, Sept. 9, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progressive Health and Rehab in Gahanna, OH is raising awareness about the benefits of proper nutrition for pain management and injury rehabilitation. According to Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist Dr. Glenn Winnestaffer, dietary changes can help reduce inflammation and support soft tissue repair. The chiropractor in Gahanna also recommends nutritional detox to help reset the body's metabolism and remove toxins that contribute to chronic pain, including headaches and migraines.

Dr. Glenn Winnestaffer, a chiropractor in Gahanna, is educating his patients about the benefits of combining nutritional counseling with chiropractic adjustments. Proper nutrition supports internal healing, natural pain relief and whole body health.

"Nutritional counseling can help reset the metabolism while increasing energy levels and naturally reducing pain," said Dr. Winnestaffer. "For example, chronic inflammation can exacerbate back pain after an injury and block the body's natural healing process. A diet rich in antioxidants helps to naturally reduce this internal inflammation."

For patients who struggle with chronic back pain, Dr. Winnestaffer recommends incorporating nutritional counseling into the treatment process. Antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables naturally fight inflammation. After a soft tissue injury such as a sprained muscle, a diet rich in lean protein provides the body with amino acids, the building blocks necessary for muscle repair and internal healing.

"Chiropractic adjustments help restore proper alignment to the body, correcting underlying mechanical misalignments that cause pain," said Dr. Winnestaffer. "At the same time, dietary changes can support internal healing and back pain relief from the inside out."

According to Dr. Winnestaffer, a nutritional detox with supplements and herbal medicine may also help patients who suffer from frequent headaches or migraines.

"Many of my patients are surprised to learn that their chronic headaches or migraines may be tied to high levels of toxins in their bodies," said Dr. Winnestaffer. "While it's easy to blame our caffeine-addicted society, in reality toxins build up slowly over time, exacerbating headache pain. A misalignment in the cervical spine can further aggravate this pain. This is why a combination of chiropractic adjustments and detoxification are so effective for restoring balance to the body."

The detox diets offered by Progressive Health and Rehab are designed to purify the body and flush out toxins. While some patients may lose weight while detoxing, these herbal supplements are designed to reset the metabolism and are not a fad diet for temporary weight loss.

"Nutritional detoxification helps purge environmental toxins from the body," said Dr. Winnestaffer. "Our kidneys, liver and bloodstream can become overloaded with harmful chemicals and cancer-causing free radicals. Detoxification with herbal supplements helps give our bodies a break from our regular diets and can help reset our metabolism. Supervised medical detoxification is a safe and effective."

Gahanna patients may learn more about the benefits of dietary counseling and detox by visiting

