OCBC Outlines November 2012 Election Recommendations

IRVINE, CA--(Marketwire - Sep 19, 2012) - Orange County Business Council, the leading voice of business in Orange County, has made endorsements for the November 6, 2012 General Election and urges your vote on the following propositions and Orange County candidates.

  • Proposition 30 - Temporary Taxes to Fund Education - OPPOSE. This measure will raise California sales tax for seven years to 7.5 percent, and creates three new high income tax brackets for taxpayers with income exceeding $250,000. California already has the highest sales tax in the nation, not including local sales taxes, and almost the highest corporate and personal income tax rates. OCBC recognizes that Prop 30 is Governor Brown's signature initiative, and while education and workforce development are top initiatives for OCBC, this measure increases taxes without the reforms in education needed to assure efficient and effective use of taxpayer dollars, or assurances that any funding will go to the classroom for students. There is today significant funding for schools, not always well spent, with little local control: Prop 98 mandates almost 50 percent of the state's budget to education, and state revenues continue to increase, notwithstanding a tough economy. In addition, the business community voluntarily contributes millions annually to education and after-school programs throughout the state to assure that California's children are ready for a competitive, global, 21st century economy, despite the low performance metrics of so many California schools. Further, seven years is far from "temporary" in an economy just getting started where high taxes impede recovery and private sector investment. OCBC supports Governor Brown and the legislature when they work to grow the California economy with regulatory reforms, first and foremost, as well as on education reforms married to efficient and effective spending.

  • Proposition 31 - Government Accountability Act - SUPPORT. This measure creates a two-year state budget cycle and mandates that all bills be published at least three days prior to a legislative vote, helping to improve accountability and transparency of state government while encouraging flexibility to local governments.

  • Proposition 32 - Political Contribution Restrictions - NEUTRALThis measure prohibits the government from deducting union dues from government employee paychecks that will be used for political purposes, and bans contributions to candidate controlled committees by corporations and labor unions. While OCBC members agree that this is a significant issue, the culture of this organization is to build consensus and, on this issue, it could not be reached. Thus, OCBC is neutral.

  • Proposition 33 - Auto Insurance Rates - NO POSITION.

  • Proposition 34 - Death Penalty Repeal - NO POSITION.

  • Proposition 35 - Human Trafficking Penalties - NO POSITION.

  • Proposition 36 - Changes in "Three Strikes" Sentencing Law - NO POSITION.

  • Proposition 37 - Mandatory Labeling of Genetically Engineered Foods - OPPOSE. This measure will require labeling on raw or processed food offered for sale to consumers if the food is made from plants or animals with modified genetic materials, but is not supported by sound science, will increase food costs, incentivize frivolous litigation, and is full of nonsense exemptions for special interests.

  • Proposition 38 - Tax for Education and Early Childhood Programs - OPPOSE. This measure will increase the state income tax rate for annual earnings over $7,316 using a sliding scale, ending after 12 years. During the first four years, 60 percent of revenues will go to K-12 schools. Thereafter, 85 percent will go to K-12 schools. Similar to proposition 30, this measure increases taxes without addressing education reforms that would guarantee more efficient and effective use of funding.

  • Proposition 39 - Tax Treatment for Multistate Businesses - OPPOSE. This measure will require multistate businesses to calculate their California income tax liability based on the percentage of sales in California. Proposition 39 would dedicate $550 million annually for five years from its anticipated increase in revenue to funding projects that create energy efficiency and clean energy jobs in California, subsidizing one industry sector over others. 

  • Proposition 40 - Referendum on State Redistricting - NO POSITION. 

Newly endorsed local candidates:

OCBC does not take positions on races in every Orange County city, but has chosen to endorse key pro-business candidates as follows:

  • City of Orange: Ray Grangoff, Mark Murphy, Theresa "Tita" Smith for Mayor
  • City of Santa Ana: Eric Alderete, Mayor Miguel Pulido
  • City of Westminster: Tyler Diep
  • City of Fullerton: Jennifer Fitzgerald, Bruce Whitaker
  • City of Yorba Linda: Gene Hernandez
  • South Orange County Community College District: Tim Jemal

Previously endorsed local candidates:

  • City of Anaheim: Steve Lodge, Jordan Brandman
  • City of Huntington Beach: Barbara Delgeize
  • City of Costa Mesa: Gary Monahan, Steve Mesinger, Colin McCarthy
  • City of Mission Viejo: Wendy Bucknum, Mayor Frank Ury
  • Orange County Board of Supervisors: Janet Nguyen, Todd Spitzer

* A Neutral position indicates that while the issue is of relevance to the business community, a consensus could not be reached. A vote of No Position indicates that while the measure is of importance, it was not germane to the mission or core initiatives of the Orange County Business Council.

About OCBC:
Orange County Business Council is the leading voice of business in Orange County, California. OCBC represents and promotes the business community, working with government and academia, to enhance Orange County's economic development and prosperity in order to preserve a high quality of life. OCBC serves member and investor businesses with nearly 250,000 employees and 2,000,000 worldwide. In providing a proactive forum for business and supporting organizations, OCBC helps assure the financial growth of America's sixth largest county. For more information, visit

Contact Information:

Katherine Reedy
Director of Communications