Oklahoma State Park Rangers Receive Specialized Training in Preventing Terrorism

35 Rangers Train at the Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MIPT (Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism) and the Oklahoma State Park Rangers partnered to provide Information Collection on Patrol (InCOP) training for the State Rangers to enhance their information collection skills.

Oklahoma state park rangers traveled from across the state to the Institute in downtown Oklahoma City for the training on October 10, 2012.

"Oklahoma's state park rangers are required to cover large areas of land, and they come across all types of individuals under all kinds of circumstances," said the Institute's executive director, David Cid. "The Oklahoma State Park Service's leadership must be commended for its forward thinking and recognition of the valuable role the rangers play in the on-going fight against crime and the prevention of terrorism."

"These training sessions allow our agency to provide the ranger with up-to-date, pertinent law enforcement information that is beneficial to their daily job responsibilities," said Chief Ranger Mike Vaught. "Because of the specialized curriculum offered by the knowledgeable staff at MIPT, we are grateful for the opportunity to train at this facility."

MIPT's InCOP 1, The Role of the Line Officer, is designed to improve the fundamental and essential skill of information collection for uniformed officers while improving information reporting. InCOP 2, Source Development, focuses on increasing an officer's ability to cultivate sources within his/her community.

The Oklahoma State Park Rangers join other law enforcement agencies such as Oklahoma City, Denver, Nashville, New York City, Albuquerque, Boston, Chicago, Miami-Dade Metro and the Washington DC Metro Police Department as participants in the InCOP program.

For more information on InCOP, visit MIPT's Training Page.

MIPT is a training partner of FEMA or the Federal Emergency Management Agency serving the nation's 800,000 uniformed officers and law enforcement leadership. Our mission is to enhance the public safety through training, professional development and education.  

Contact: Tamara Pratt (405) 278-6307 or (405) 760-2216, pratt@mipt.org

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The following pictures are available for download:

[Image] Oklahoma Park Rangers training at MIPT in downtown Oklahoma City