League of American Communications Professionals Gives Silver Award for Best Website to Globally Recognized Radio Show Host Travel Expert Stephanie Abrams

BOSTON, Nov. 25, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) announced Abrams Hospitality Marketing won the 2012 Spotlight Silver Award for Best Website on October 30th, internationally syndicated radio travel talk show host Stephanie Abrams was brunching at The Hotel Imperial in Vienna in an atmosphere she describes as, "a grandiose place to receive such grand news!" LACP's judges awarded 97 out of a possible 100 points to the company's online offering. The company's web entry is described by LACP's Managing Director, Christine Kennedy as, "exceptional, superb and outstanding" and notes that LACP classifies "this entry as being among the best communications materials of 2012."

Abrams notes," I am particularly proud of this recognition because the winners of the Bronze and Gold Awards were Booz Allen Hamilton and John Hancock Retirement Plan Services, respectively, companies in the billion dollar category with 10,000+ employees and the Platinum Award went to SBA Communications which ranks in the 100 million to 1 billion dollars category with 100 to 1000 employees. We tied with Prudential Retirement for the Silver Award, another billion dollar company! We're not ashamed to mention that we're just a tad smaller. We're pleased that our passion for excellence, creativity, skills and knowledge translate our radio content creatively into a significant resource for travelers online and has resulted in our scoring so well in this tight competition. LACP judges' comments note, 'It's hard not to have a smile on your face when going through this exceptionally developed entry.' I appreciate our creative team, powered by  Persistent Visions,  for the magnificent way they have frozen my radio shows online creating a unique resource for travelers."

The company's sites include sAbrams.com providing archived audio of all radio shows, photo galleries and on air discussions of destinations worldwide, Abrams' blog and travel trips; Travelers411.com presents interactive Forums, Mini-Sites, our Directory of destinations, and Member Photos; and JetSet411.com, the video archive of webisode interviews with travel industry leaders in 2D and our new 3D video travel trailer.

Abrams radio shows, broadcast every weekend for three hours each, are heard coast-to-coast and focus on all aspects of travel globally investigating niche markets for all segments of travel. The site reflects the "something for everybody interested in travel" philosophy of Abrams' shows with emphasis on inspiring and luxury markets.

2012 took Abrams' listeners to Germany's Frankfurt, Kronberg, Wurzberg and beyond with Lufthansa German Airlines, flying non-stop to Frankfurt, on to Vienna and returning from Budapest. Other 2012 onsite broadcasts included Jamaica, Hawaii, Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Barbados, Mexico, Florida, and California.  Christmas preparations in San Francisco, Munich's Christmas Markets and Dublin's New Year's Eve kick-off of The Gathering 2013 are planned before 2012 ends.

"We take listeners along on 'Travel WITH Stephanie Abrams and Travelers411!" Abrams notes. "My fans are wherever I am!"


