Case Study Results Show Success of HD Video for Chiropractic Marketing

SORRENTO VALLEY, Calif., Dec. 2, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ChiroMatrix, recently revealed the results of several case studies that examined the success of HD video for chiropractic marketing. The case studies tracked how social media, videos, and video ads influenced website traffic and visitor conversions for chiropractic practices. The subject of one case study, Correct Care Family Chiropractic, saw a 140% increase in daily traffic to their website after joining the chiropractic video marketing service.

According to the study, several features of ChiroMatrix's Media Service were measured. These included results regarding social media engagement; optimized HD video on YouTube; video publication on top video sites; and geo-targeted video ads displayed on YouTube.

"In these case studies, we are examining actual, real-time results," said Asaf Benhaim, CEO and Co-Founder of iMatrix. "By tracking and measuring results, we are able to verify the effectiveness of our video marketing for chiropractors."

The first step in the video marketing service provided by ChiroMatrix was a complete rebranding of the Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages for Correct Care Family Chiropractic. Another aspect of the marketing service included extending the social reach of the practice, posting weekly to each social profile, and an email marketing campaign to reach out to patients. In examining the social metrics of Correct Care Family Chiropractic, ChiroMatrix found that 165 new fans 'liked' the practice's Facebook page since the practice joined the Media Service. Results also indicated that photos and videos added to the social media profiles reached 279 people and engaged 50 users.

In addition to social media for chiropractors, the case study also tracked the ongoing geo-targeted video ads that are part of the Media Service. The ads are targeted to drive relevant, local traffic to the practice's website. At the end of November, the chiropractor's professional HD video measured 310 views and the 15-second pre-roll video ad showed 19,737 impressions and 1,789 total views. Additionally, the chiropractic website experienced a jump in website traffic from 15 visits a day to an average of 36 visits a day.

ChiroMatrix revealed results from another chiropractic video marketing client as well. According to reports, the video ad campaign for Wardy Wellness Chiropractic in El Paso, TX recorded 2,672 total views and 51,115 impressions by the end of November.

In regards to the Media Service case studies, Gwen Robinson, Marketing Manager at iMatrix said, "Part of our service includes monitoring views, impressions, and traffic to the chiropractor's website. Our goal with all services is to get results for our clients and these case studies show great results.

ChiroMatrix is the chiropractic brand of Internet Matrix, Inc. (iMatrix) which empowers chiropractors to succeed with affordable web marketing services. ChiroMatrix services include search engine optimized websites, management of social media, video marketing and advertising, PPC advertising with Velocity, and an all-encompassing online marketing solution known as Dominator. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-IMATRIX.

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