Previously Unknown Mayan Codex Discovered and Authenticated by Period Experts

Global Quest TV's Piece Considered to be One of the Most Important Discoveries From the Mayan Civilization

CHICAGO, Dec. 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With much of the scientific and mainstream media carrying stories on the possible events of Dec. 21, 2012, some of the leading historical Mayan researchers are comfortable saying the world will not end on Friday. Jerry J. Ferrara, a real life "Indiana Jones," and his research team have uncovered a priceless missing piece of the Mayan culture. To date, this is the only complete Mayan Codex discovered and includes both the front and back hand carved wood covers. The missing codex has been safeguarded for almost three centuries by a family who are direct blood descendants of the House of David.

With only three Mayan Codices garnering complete acceptance by scholars and scientists (Dresden, Madrid, and Paris and the fourth, but not completely accepted Grollier), this particular codex has significant importance due to the time period it is from. Leading forensic researcher Roderick McNeil's original analysis dated the codex to 1540 AD (+/- 70 years) which places it towards the end of the Mayan civilization. The initial analysis methods gave only a 1 in 10,000 chance that the piece came from a period outside of that margin.

"I have had the opportunity to work with some of the top researchers and archaeologists in the world. I have never seen anything quite like this piece. Our preliminary research with leading period scholars lend me to believe the piece might be directly related to the Mayan Calendar, particularly the Mayan T'zolkin Spiritual Calendar," said Jerry J. Ferrara of Global Quest TV. Ferrara serves as the custodian of antiquities and ancient texts for the family who owns the codex.

Ferrara along with his partner Kit J. Morrison was recently featured in a National Geographic special for his role in the groundbreaking "Bahia Emerald" story of the largest and most valuable emerald in the world. In addition to Ferrara, the team of researchers and specialists on the project include: internationally renowned archaeologist and researcher Anselm Pi Rambla, president of the Bohic Ruz Explorer Society in Peru, Janet G. Smith, ISA, art appraiser and authenticator and Joe Barabe of McCrone Associates. Analysis was documented by retired police investigator and television law enforcement analyst Lisa Lockwood, in addition to Kane Clamage and Chris Foltz of the Chicago public affairs firm Christopher Foltz & Company.

Anselm Pi Rambla is considered by many as one of the top scholars and researchers in Central and South American cultures, artifacts and exploration of Meso-American ancient civilizations. Pi Rambla first examined the unknown codex on Sept. 21, 2012 in Florida.

"I believe we were in the presence of what could be one if not the most important Mayan discovery to date. One can tell there are some elements revealing important information in reference to the Mayan tradition as well as astronomical data. I would include there is some data that has to do with either counting time or some type of calendar-related facts," said Pi Rambla.

Janet G. Smith, ISA was also present during the recent pigment analysis done by McCrone Associates in Chicago.

"This project has been an amazing journey. The academic and scientific confirmation presented in the Mayan Codex will increase the understanding of the Mayan Civilization, and ultimately the world as we know it," said Smith.

With the final destination for the codex still being determined, it is currently back in the safety of the family. A private meeting is being arranged to translate the codex which will consist of the top archaeologists, scientists and academics from around the world.

Visit with more information on the missing codex, as well as never before seen photos and video taken during the analysis process.

