Marble Security Issued Patent for Securely Managing Mobile Phones and Devices through a Cloud Service

SUNNYVALE, Calif., Feb. 6, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marble Security today announced that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued U.S. Patent No. 8,356,105 entitled "Enterprise Device Policy Management" to Marble Security.  Filed in 2009 by Dave Jevans, co-founder and CTO of Marble Security, the patent was issued on January 15, 2013.

The patent provides a method for managing the policies and security of portable devices that store data through a third party cloud service.  This important innovation allows enterprises, financial institutions, healthcare providers and government agencies to use a third party cloud service to manage the security, encryption and policies of mobile devices without the risk that the cloud service could compromise the devices. For instance, the cloud services of other systems that do not use this technology could be compromised by bugs, hackers, malicious insiders and even hostile government intervention.

"Employees are bringing their own devices to work, and security must be ensured.  In the past, companies had to install costly and complex Mobile Device Management (MDM) software in their data centers to securely manage iPhones, iPads, Android devices and PC and Mac laptops," says Jevans.  "Marble Security's newly issued patent allows a cloud service to securely provide management capabilities to remote devices in such a way that only an enterprise's administrators can unlock them.  It also ensures that the cloud provider cannot introduce any risks to the device or the data, even if the cloud service is compromised."

"Enterprise Device Policy Management" patent 8,356,105 defines and provides a way to ensure that only the IT administrators of an enterprise can access, modify or unlock a mobile device, even if the service is compromised.

About Marble Security

Marble Security Inc. offers a mobile security cloud service that protects against the ever-changing threats unleashed into enterprises by mobile devices.  Simple to use and deploy, the Marble cloud service includes patented, adaptive protection to eliminate risks to corporate data, networks and applications.  Criminals, competitors and hostile governments target enterprises and end users with an ever more sophisticated array of attacks.  BYOD workers are particularly at risk.  Marble secures remote workers' access to corporate and public networks and cloud services on Android and iOS mobile devices, as well as Macs and Windows PCs, and offers more comprehensive protection than any other solution on the market.

Marble Security changed its name from IronKey in October 2012.  The IronKey brand is now wholly owned by Imation Corp., who last year acquired the IronKey™ secure flash drive hardware business.

