Tune in to Genesis Global Media Radio Tonight to Hear Guests Dr. Ramona Frischman and Patty Fayerweather Harlow

NEW YORK, NY, Feb. 18, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tonight, tune in to hear our guests, Dr. Ramona Frischman and Patty Fayerweather Harlow, share their expertise on intergenerational programming and hydraulic fracturing, respectively. Show times are as follows:

Monday, February 18th:

Dr. Ramona Frischman from 6:00pm PST - 6:30pm PST

Patty Fayerweather Harlow from 6:30pm PST - 7:00pm PST

All shows can be listened by visiting this link: http://crntalk.com and then clicking on the play button next to CRN 2.



Dr. Ramona Frischman Bridges the Generational Gap

Intergenerational programming is uniting America due to the efforts of Dr. Ramona Frischman. A retired project manager for Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Dr. Frischman continues to focus on developing intergenerational learning programs, which aim to improve the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies with the goal of establishing a mutually supportive agenda. Dr. Frischman is dedicated to supporting the growth of intergenerational programming and works as a liaison by consulting and writing grants to facilitate the success of each partnership. Dr. Frischman views intergenerational programming as a resource for policymakers and the public on the economic, social, and personal imperatives that govern our society. Her determination to bridge the generational gap has provided countless individuals of all ages with the opportunity to explore areas of common ground while celebrating each other's diversity.

Built upon the principles which guide its mission, the practice of intergenerational cooperation unites and improves our communities, stimulates economic growth, preserves resources and erodes discriminatory thoughts. In tackling common issues together, children, youth and older people learn to appreciate and respect each other's perspectives, while considering a broad spectrum of ideas in forming a solution. Since becoming involved with intergenerational programming, Dr. Frischman has witnessed the positive impact it has on the lives of students who participate in the program, many of whom have altered their career goals as a result of their experience. What's more, older individuals continually express having experienced equal inspiration. This consistent outcome drives Dr.  Frischman's passion for promoting intergenerational programming and leaves her feeling incredibly satisfied with her work.

Dr. Frischman's programs for Miami-Dade County Public Schools, the fourth-largest school district in the country, were recognized nationally as models to emulate. This recognition generated funding and forged partnerships that elevated the scope of achievement and expanded opportunities, both for the students and for the district. Although Dr. Frischman has retired from the school system, she continues to foster intergenerational advocacy initiatives by volunteering with agencies such as the Gray Panthers, Retired Educators and the local Alliance for Aging.

Dr. Frischman earned a Doctor of Education from Nova Southeastern University, having received a Master of Education (Reading) from the University of Georgia and a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from Stetson University. She is a member of the Executive Board of Directors of the Gray Panthers of South Dade and the Dade County Retired Educators Association, where she served as the Second Vice President. Among her many awards and recognitions are an Outstanding Community Volunteer Award, earned in 2008, a Hero Award presented to her by the Miami Police Department in 2001, and a Regional Commissioner's Meritorious Service Award, which she also received in 2001. In 1992, she was awarded the 756th Daily Point of Light Award by President George H. W. Bush.

Interested in learning more about intergenerational programming? Contact Ramona Frishman by email at ramonalong@aol.com.

For additional resources, please visit the following links:

Generations United at http://www.gu.org

Corporations for National Community Service at http://www.nationalservice.gov/



Environmentally-Conscious Author Says "No Fracking Way" To Current Support of Drill-Baby-Drill Policies

Once you frack, you can't go back! Environmental activist and children's book author Patty Fayerweather Harlow is urging fellow environmentalists to protest hydraulic fracturing across the country, and that means demanding that the practice be banned before another community is forced to grapple with its deadly consequences. Currently, the New York State Department of Conservation (NYSDEC) is preparing an environmental impact statement that will determine the legality of hydraulic fracturing in New York. Pending this report, which was just extended on February 12th for further consideration, Harlow has launched a campaign to mobilize New Yorkers to unite against fracking and demand that Governor Cuomo let the science decide. Proven to cause severe environmental pollution, including contamination of ground water, risk to air quality, and surface contamination from spills and flowback, fracking not only compromises the environment, but the health of individuals who live in and around the areas where it is practiced. A united front is our only hope to force Governor Cuomo and other government officials to listen to the MANY, not the money---for once!

With so much at stake in these environmentally sensitive times, our planet's valuable resources cannot be subjected to a drill-baby-drill platform, nor can our pristine landscapes be preserved with dangerous pipelines of crude oil pumping through them. Harlow is determined to bring awareness to this cause and to see hydraulic fracturing banned in the United States.

Patty Fayerweather Harlow is the author of the book series Rock with Rodney and Party with Perky to Preserve Wildlife, which explores the importance of preserving and protecting our national parks and historic landmarks. Harlow's 5-part book series (with a 6th edition soon to be published), empowers readers to take action in preserving the resources that make America beautiful. Her environmental advocacy began during the anti-environmental Bush era and has been continuous ever since. She is also a recognized poet with the distinction of being selected every year since 1998 to have her work printed in coffee house books through Poetry.com.

Join Patty Fayerweather Harlow in the fight to keep America beautiful. Contact her by phone at 607-724-3161 or by email at pfayerweath@stny.rr.com

To learn more, visit: http://patty-fayerweather-harlow.com/

For book purchases (available in both paperback and e-book form), please visit:  http://patty-fayerweather-harlow.com/


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