San Diego Veterinarians Stress the Importance of Good Pet Dental Care

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 22, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pets receive plenty of veterinary care, but many pet owners overlook the importance of pet dental care. Without regular oral care, pets are at risk for gum infections, gingivitis, swollen gums, tooth infections, periodontics, and halitosis. Pet owners can perform their own examinations of their pet mouths, and clean their pet's teeth using canine toothpaste and a canine toothbrush to help ensure their pet's optimal health. Oral examinations should be a part of every pet checkup, since they can help veterinarians detect and treat diseases including mouth tumors, cysts, and gum diseases.

The common signs that a pet may be experiencing a pet dental disease include: extreme bad breath, eroded tarter that may start to turn black, and the pet may begin to experience loss of appetite. Eighty percent of dogs and cats past the age of four have some type of pet dental disease. The Balboa Veterinary Hospital says that most pet owners do not realize that these dental diseases, such as periodontal disease, affect more than just the mouth. Bacteria breed in the mouth can also spread to other vital organs, such as the kidneys, liver, lungs, and heart. The veterinary hospital warns pet owners if proper pet care is not taken pets can lose teeth due to the disease, or may need infected teeth to be extracted. San Diego veterinarians recommend that along with daily teeth brushing, for both cats and dogs, annual dental care visits to a San Diego vet is vital.

Regular tooth brushing goes a long way toward keeping pets safe and healthy, and can easily be performed at home in a few minutes. "I recommend that pet owners brush their pet's teeth daily to remove tartar that can cause swollen gums and gingivitis," says Dr. Miranda Alexander of Balboa Veterinary Hospital in San Diego. San Diego veterinarians encourage pet owners to purchase dog friendly toothpaste and tooth brush and make it a routine to brush pet's teeth at least once a day. Most pets can get used to the idea of having their teeth brushed and may come to see the routine as a bonding experience.

San Diego veterinarians can teach pet owners how to examine their pet's mouths and brush their pet's teeth. "Chew toys also play a role in dog oral health," notes Dr. Alexander of Balboa Veterinary Hospital. As pets chew, they scrape tartar off their teeth. Owners can feel good about leaving pets at home with nylon bones. Although the San Diego veterinary hospital cautions pet owners to never leave pets alone with rawhide chews, as they present a choking hazard.

Balboa Veterinary Hospital offers comprehensive pet dental care, including oral examinations, preventative dental care and treatment of oral health issues affecting pets. To learn more about pet dental care and pet dental diseases, please visit Balboa Veterinary Hospital's website at

