National Hot Dog & Sausage Council Debuts New Sausage Guide to Celebrate National Sausage Month

New Video Tour of Pork Cuts Also Available

WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As sausage consumption continues to grow in the U.S., the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) has released a new sausage guide to help consumers navigate the wide variety of sausages available today. The "Guide to Sausage Varieties, Culture and Cooking" includes detailed descriptions and origins of 32 different types of sausage ranging from the common bratwursts and Italian sausage to the more unusual liver sausage.

The guide also includes tips for cooking sausage, details about different casings, sausage history and of course answers the common question of how sausage is made. The brochure folds out into a poster so that people can have all the information easily at their fingertips or displayed on a wall.

"Sausage has such a rich history and inspires so much enthusiasm from consumers, but we realized that while people love eating sausage, there's a lot of confusion about how its made and what goes into all the different types available," said NHDSC President and 'Queen of Wien' Janet Riley. "The guide is a one stop shop to provide that information and we designed it so people can hang it in their kitchen so it's always handy."

According to retail data from the SymphonyIRI Group, sausage sales have been growing steadily over the past several years including five percent last year alone.

Pork Cuts Video Released

Many of the most popular types of sausage include pork and a new video shows exactly where on a pig various pork cuts are derived. Barney Wilborn, M.S., manager of the Auburn Meat Lab walks viewers through a pork carcass and then shows exactly where different cuts of pork come from including pork chops, baby back ribs and ham. The video complements a tour of beef cuts featuring Dr. Robert Maddock, associate professor at North Dakota State University, released earlier this year.

The National Hot Dog & Sausage Council will conduct other events and giveaways on its Facebook page throughout National Sausage Month. Additional hot dog and sausage facts, pop culture and recipes are available at

Free single copies of the sausage brochure are available to consumers who send a large, self addressed 6x9" envelope with 66 cents postage. Additional copies are $2.00 each and may be ordered from NHDSC, 1150 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1200, Washington, DC, 20036. Discounts are available for larger quantities in excess of 25 copies.  Contact for details.

Established in 1994, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council conducts scientific research to benefit hot dog and sausage manufacturers. The Council also serves as an information resource to consumers and media on issues related to quality, safety, nutrition and preparation of hot dogs and sausages.

