Torrance Dentist, Dr. Kashfian, is Offering 20 Percent Discount on 8 or More Veneers

Barry Kashfian DMD, dentist in Torrance, offers 20 percent discount for eight or more dental veneers.

Torrance, CA, Oct. 25, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Torrance dentist, Dr. Kashfian, is now offering a 20 percent discount on eight or more dental veneers. Dental veneers are a fast, easier alternative to extensive cosmetic dental treatments and can quickly and efficiently rejuvenate a smile. Dr. Kashfian can use porcelain veneers to restore the appearance of teeth that have been discolored or have chips, stains, fractures or worn enamel and teeth that are crooked, widely spaced or misshapen. 

Porcelain veneers are tooth-shaped porcelain shells that are bonded to the fronts of teeth. They are translucent like natural dental enamel, but they can be made in a patient's preferred color or shade and resist stains for many years. Teeth may require slight preparation before placement, and the process can take two to three dental visits. After the veneers have been bonded to the teeth, they can last 20 years or more. A single dental veneer can be used to correct a single tooth while multiple veneers can be used to transform a smile. This special provides current and potential patients with an incredible opportunity to discover a beautiful new smile for significantly less. Some restrictions may apply. Torrance dentist, Dr. Kashfian, can provide other cosmetic solutions, including teeth whitening, dental bonding and inlays and onlays.

Other treatments are also available. Torrance dentist, Dr. Kashfian, develops treatment plans for his patients that are tailored to their dental health needs and goals. He provides comprehensive dental care that includes a wide range of treatment options including general dentistry, routine dentistry, preventative dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, dental surgery and periodontal care. For more information, visit

About Dr. Kashfian, Prosthodontist Los Angeles

Dr. Kashfian is a top Torrance dentist. He has extensive experience in the field with a particular focus on cosmetic, restorative and reconstructive dentistry. After completing his DDS, he continued his education and completed three years training in the field of prosthodontics. Since then, Dr. Kashfian has completed other advanced courses in his specialty and other fields to continue providing high-quality care to his patients. He is currently a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry and the International Congress of Oral Implantologists.





