Test Prep Labs Challenges SAT Prep Establishment with a New Series of High Quality and Refreshingly Affordable Online SAT Courses

Company aims to level the college admissions playing field and give everyone an equal chance to ace the SAT

San Francisco, Nov. 14, 2013 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- While hundreds of thousands of high school seniors eagerly await SAT® scores from the November test (and wonder if they might need to squeeze in one more try), juniors are now starting to think about the spring SAT season. The big question for both: how can I best prepare for the SAT online?

Test Prep Labs, a new online SAT prep website, is on a mission to offer high quality online SAT prep courses at a price affordable to everyone. One year after assembling a team of top SAT writers and experts, the company today launched with a series of brand-new prep courses covering the Math, Writing and Critical Reading sections of the widely used college admissions test.

The price? $10 per course, or $20 for the bundle. Plus, as a special thanks to early adopters during the beta phase, the entire bundle is free via a Facebook coupon. A fourth course, Intro to SAT, will always be free.

Through a series of videos and lessons complete with practice questions, sample tests and simulated exams, the Test Prep Labs courses help high school students demystify the process with strategies designed to increase their chance of successfully tackling the SAT.

"High school students - and their parents - often spend hundreds or thousands of dollars in a quest to add a few points to their SAT score," said Chris White, a longtime San Francisco-based tutor and lead writer/producer for Test Prep Labs. "The quest is valid…an SAT score can determine if you get into your school of choice. But the tips, the knowledge, the practice tests should not be limited to people with deep pockets. Everyone deserves the same advantage, and that's why we started Test Prep Labs."

The four courses may be taken individually, or together as a bundle. Each course is broken up into short, targeted lessons that cover all of the bases, providing students with an easy and effective way to prepare for the SAT. The video-based courses include quizzes and timed practice tests designed to simulate the test-day environment, giving students a level of comfort that can translate to higher scores. Completed tests are also available to review and peruse, enabling students to gain familiarity with the SAT's format.

The first Test Prep Labs SAT courses include:

Intro to SAT (One hour), is the starting point for SAT prep. Students learn the fundamentals of the test, including when they should take it and why advance practice is key to a better score.

Critical Reading (13 hours, 40 min), is comprised of 20 lessons that guide students through a strategy for effective use of time in the critical reading section, including a method for approaching passage-based and sentence completion questions.

Math (13 hours, 40 min), is a 30-lesson course designed to sharpen skills and familiarize test takers with the concepts covered in the math section of the SAT. The course starts with a benchmarking quiz that students can use to track improvement as they progress.

Writing - Multiple Choice (6 hours, 45 minutes), offers strategies for the writing section of the SAT - the section on which students stand the best chance of improving overall SAT scores. Using the strategies in this 20-lesson course, students get clear and detailed explanations of all of the questions, plus an understanding of grammar rules in real-world contexts.

Teachers and administrators may seek access for an entire class, school, or district by emailing info@testpreplabs.com. To enroll as an individual, or for more information about Test Prep Labs, visit TestPrepLabs.com, or connect on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Google+.

SAT ® is a trademark registered by the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, the test preparation content offered by Test Prep Labs.


