Photo Release -- Small PC's Vehicle Computer Selected as the Standard Solution for American Ambulance of Fresno, California

CLEARWATER, Fla., March 11, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- American Ambulance of Fresno California, has selected Small PC's vehicle computer model SC240 and vehicle display model RWD104 as the heart of their ambulance GPS tracking and emergency call location system. The system assists the Paramedics and EMT's in providing improved service and prompt response times.

A photo accompanying this release is available at

The SC240 computer acts as the mapping system's host with data connections to the Global Positioning System receiver (GPS), and a video connection to the RWD104 sunlight readable touch screen display. The touch screen display is the operator's interface to American Ambulances custom software providing fast and easy access to current call, best route, patient information and an aerial view of the patient's location.

E. Torralva of American Ambulance says, "Our mapping software is designed to aid our field employees in determining the best route to patients' homes and also provides useful information regarding the patient's issue and call request details."

Both the computer and the touch display are designed specifically for vehicle applications with specialized features including an intelligent vehicle power supply, solid state drives and anti-vibration hardware. The 10.4" vehicle display is optically enhanced for improved visibility in direct sunlight and daylight. The display is dash mounted using standard VESA mounting hardware and the computer is mounted separately in the system control panel. Specialized all-in-one extended cabling connects the display and touch screen controller to the computer.

Small PC's rugged vehicle computer solutions are available with Intel's® Atom and i-Series of high performance processors including the latest Generation 4 CPU's. Configuration options include Flash Drives to 512G, memory to 16G and Linux or Windows operating systems installed and tested.

American Ambulance was formed in 1975 and provides Advanced Life Support (A.L.S.) services under an Exclusive Operating Area (EOA) contract to Fresno County and Kings County, California, a division of ICI Controls Inc., was formed in 1993. Small PC Computers designs and manufactures computers with a focus on solutions for specialized, rugged, and industrial applications.

Small PC's Vehicle Computer
