Diet Doc Medical Weight Loss Programs Announces Affordable Diet Plans for All Shapes and Sizes

Diet Doc Wants to Help Everyone, in Every Economic Range, Improve Their Health and Restore Their Figure With Safe, Natural and Fast Weight Loss

MIAMI, Fla., Sept. 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Learning to be healthy should not be expensive. The experts at Diet Doc are passionate about helping people lose weight fast and restore their physical and emotional health by keeping their comprehensive, medically supervised diet plans affordable to many people, not just a select few.

Everyone who has ever shopped in the grocery store knows that eating healthy can be expensive. This is why many dieters, who begin their diet with the best intentions, become discouraged. The professionals at Diet Doc made the decision to help everyone, in almost any economic situation, improve their physical and emotional health by safely, naturally and rapidly losing excess fat with the most affordable diet plans available on today's market.

Aside from affordable diet plans, Diet Doc patients can save even more money by eliminating costly and time consuming visits to and from doctor's offices and weight loss clinics. Because the company utilizes Telemedicine, patients in any region of the country can choose the best health care and the best weight loss physicians without leaving the comfort of their own home.

New patients will log onto the internet to complete a medical history and health evaluation before scheduling an online consultation with one of Diet Doc's specially trained fast weight loss doctors. The consultation is scheduled at a convenient time for the patient, not the doctor.

During the consultation, the doctor will review the patient's entire system to isolate any internal imbalances that may be contributing to weight gain or blocking fast weight loss. These health and medical issues will be immediately addressed when developing the patient's personalized and affordable diet plans and will finally allow the patient to see the results they have been struggling to achieve with other, more expensive diet plans.

Based on the doctor's findings, certified nutritionists will create affordable diet plans that are specific to each patient's nutritional and medical needs, while fitting into almost any lifestyle. Those who desire faster weight loss can enhance their diet plans with Diet Doc's exclusive hormone treatments and specially formulated diet pills that turn the body into a fat burning machine and alleviate side effects typically associated with dieting, such as loss of energy, hunger and cravings. These diet plans are so successful because, while they are tailored to meet the needs of each patient, they are also designed to fit comfortably into almost any budget.

Diet Doc offers incomparable services to dieters across the country, delivering consistent safe, effective and affordable diet plans directly to patients' doors. The company's in-house medical fast weight loss experts guide every patient through their personal health journey by altering diet plans if results begin to taper. Weight loss progress, as well as attitude and comfort level, are assessed with scheduled weekly checkup calls. This level of personalized service is unparalleled by the competition and has enabled Diet Doc to become the nation's leading provider of safe, fast and affordable diet plans.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

