Round Up the Family for Texas' Fall Sustainability Expo, the 14th Renewable Energy Roundup

Environmental Education Day is Free for Students

BELTON, Texas, Sept. 10, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 14th Annual Renewable Energy Roundup & Sustainable Living Expo is truly shaping up to be information packed. It starts on Friday, September 26th with the Grand Opening & "Save The Planet? – Kids Are The Answer," a free educational opportunity for Middle and High School age youth to participate in special environmental educational activities. The Roundup is September 26 – 28 and takes place in Belton at the Bell County Expo Center, 301 W Loop 121 (at IH-35), Belton, TX 76513.

Education day will welcome hundreds of school groups and home schooled students with an interest in energy and environmental issues. In addition to exhibits, demos, and speakers of interest to everyone, this special day promises to deliver thought provoking ideas from speakers geared specifically for these students. There will be opportunities to learn about Sustainable Design & Landscaping, the Mysteries of Bee Decimation, Ecofriendly Gadgets, Solar Cooking, Electric Automobiles and Vermiculture to name just a few of the presentation topics.

Admission is FREE for ages 18 and under on Friday only.
Ages 12 & under are admitted FREE every day.

There are over 50 speakers scheduled throughout the weekend. Here are three of the topics that will be covered on Friday. 

LAURIE J. PETERSON - NASA Johnson Space Center Sustainability Champion speaks on "Living and Working in Space"

BILL WREN – Astronomer, McDonald Observatory speaks on "Light Pollution – Preserving our view of the Milky Way"

DIANNE ODEGARD - Education & Public Outreach Manager Bat Conservation International speaks on "Living Among Bats"

HEB will provide Organic Product Sampling and Exhibits along with their "Food Connection" Organic Food Preparation on all three days.

The Roundup, a full 3-day event on September 26th, 27th, & 28th will cover:

  • Renewable energy resources; solar, wind, biomass and other resources and services
  • Smart Grid solutions available to homeowners now
  • Green Building and remodeling
  • Sustainable transportation
  • Tips for improving health and wellbeing
  • Insights on organic gardening and cooking
  • Climate Change innovation
  • Texas water conservation & drought solutions

The Roundup is co-organized by Texas Renewable Energy Industries Association (TREIA) and the Texas Center for Policy Studies (TCPS). For information call (512) 345-6831 or email

TREIA is the oldest renewable energy non-profit trade organization in Texas. For thirty years, it has promoted development of sustainable, renewable resources and their wise use. 

TCPS was founded in 1982, Texas Center for Policy Studies (TCPS) brings together people and the information necessary to ensure that growth and development in our region enhances, rather than diminishes, quality of life.

The Roundup is grateful to its sponsors: HEB, Solar CenTex, Electric Power Engineers, Environment Associates and Consultants, Lone Star Chapter of The Sierra Club and others.


