Harrisburg Chiropractic Care Delivers Results for Neuropathy Patients

HARRISBURG, Pa., Dec. 17, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Harrisburg chiropractor Dr. Albert Skocik is using chiropractic care to help manage pain symptoms associated with neuropathy, a common ailment impacting nerve function. The chiropractor reports that more than 20 million Americans suffer from some type of neuropathy. While chiropractic care cannot cure neuropathy, Dr. Skocik says that this alternative treatment is an effective option for managing and relieving neuropathy-related pain. He is encouraging neuropathy patients to consider chiropractic care for their pain management.

Neuropathy patients have a new treatment option available to them with Harrisburg chiropractic care. Chiropractor Dr. Albert Skocik announced that he has had success using chiropractic care to treat neuropathy symptoms.

Neuropathy is a common ailment affecting nerve function. Symptoms include numbness and tingling in the arms, legs, hands and feet. Some individuals may experience a reduced ability to feel pain or changes in temperature. Others experience a burning sensation or sharp, jabbing pain that worsens at night.

"With more than 20 million Americans suffering from neuropathy-related pain, it's important to spread the message that chiropractic care truly can make a difference for this pain," said Dr. Skocik. "Neuropathy pain can compromise an individual's quality of life. While chiropractic care is not a cure, it addresses the root causes of pain and adjustments can help to safely manage this pain."

The most common type of neuropathy is diabetic neuropathy, which occurs when continuously high blood sugar levels damage the nerves. However, not all causes for neuropathy are as readily identified. For some patients, an accident or trauma, infection, or toxin exposure may have triggered the nerve damage. Dr. Skocik says that the root cause for 30 percent of all neuropathy cases is never identified.

"My goal is to move beyond what triggered the pain in the first place, like an injury, and instead focus on providing long-lasting relief," said Dr. Skocik. "I achieve this by focusing on the spine and the central nervous system."

Chiropractic adjustments enable proper spinal alignment. Dr. Skocik says when the spine is out of alignment, a herniated or slipped disc may compress nearby nerves. This compression can trigger a radiating pain sensation along the nerve, and may intensify neuropathy. Adjustments are designed to relieve pressure on the nerves, which in turn may alleviate some of this pain.

Dr. Skocik also recommends massage therapy for neuropathy relief. Massage treatments relax muscles and reduce knots, sore spots and tension.

"Some nerves travel through the muscles," said Dr. Skocik. "When the muscles are excessively tight, the nerves can become compressed and irritated. Therapeutic massage is a natural complement to chiropractic adjustments for neuropathy pain management."

Skocik Chiropractic is a Harrisburg pain management, injury rehabilitation and wellness center. Services include chiropractic care, spinal decompression therapy, and massage therapy. To learn more, visit: http://www.harrisburgchirodc.com/.

