CWAO Joins UNWHT in Tribute to Women's History Month with Wristband Awareness Campaign to Combat Sexual Violence

TORONTO, March 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Community Works Ontario perpetuates its cooperation with United Nations War on Human Trafficking Association to confront issues on modern day slavery, in addition to passing tribute to women's history month by showing support on a 'Combat Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence' wristband campaign to spread awareness on the issue to communities.

The wristband slogan trend has been effective in the past to spread awareness on issues like HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, and anti-bullying. Thus, it has convinced United Nations War on Human Trafficking Association Chairman Cary Lee Peterson that it will be a good catalyst to get the message out to the public. Peterson comments, "Glow-in-the-dark wristbands with a slogan are simple but when people see you wearing it they'll probably be curious to read what it says and when they do we've achieved our goal to remind the public that this is an important issue that definitely shouldn't be ignored."

In Washington, D.C. there have been disputes between Democrat and Republican members of U.S. Congress since the unanimous vote on the human trafficking bill at Senate Judiciary Committee last month. A new bill proposition to block the human trafficking bill have several focusing on the anti-abortion provisions that would prohibit the use of taxpayer monies to fund abortions for victims of sexual violence. American political commentator and TV talk show co-host Dana Perino opposed the efforts to block the human trafficking bill, saying 'Democrats are jerks' on Thursday's "The Five."

Despite the political quarrels on the human trafficking bill in the U.S. there are several intergovernmental organisations and political coalitions such as Congressional Task Force on Human Trafficking that continue to increase optimistic exposure on the matter since their prior commitment to aid-and-assist Canadian lobbyists who support Public Safety Canada's National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking and work to influence the justice system and law enforcement to broaden the legislation on sex related crimes, child pornography, and organ trafficking.

Indeed, trendy glow wristbands to spread awareness probably will not eradicate modern day slavery, child sex trafficking, or sexual offences in our community. Whereas, to be educated and conscious of an issue in our society may in fact be the entry to the pursuit of a resolution over longevity.

